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Asia and the Pacific

World News

South East Asia: Whither women’s rights in ASEAN?

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South East Asia: Whither women’s rights in ASEAN?


There have been two recent important moments to remember in relation to women’s rights in Southeast Asia: the adoption of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration on Nov. 18 and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on Nov. 25. In the context of ASEAN, a fundamental issue to be borne in mind is the direction of women’s rights.

In Southeast Asia, progress in women’s rights has been quicker than other human rights, such as political and civil rights.

There have been two recent important moments to remember in relation to women’s rights in Southeast Asia: the adoption of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration on Nov. 18 and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on Nov. 25. In the context of ASEAN, a fundamental issue to be borne in mind is the direction of women’s rights.

In Southeast Asia, progress in women’s rights has been quicker than other human rights, such as political and civil rights.

World News

South Korea: The Rising East: Will Park Geun-Hye Become Korea's First Woman President?

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South Korea: The Rising East: Will Park Geun-Hye Become Korea's First Woman President?


In the elections sprinkled across Asia from Japan to Indonesia to Sri Lanka this year, perhaps the most intriguing candidate is Park Geun-Hye, who seeks to be the first woman elected president of South Korea.

As she has risen in prominence over the last decade, Ms. Park, 60, has joined an elite sisterhood of Asian women who have gotten their starts on the road to political power as the daughters or widows of well-known men. Most of the women were educated in Western universities either at home or in Europe or the U.S.

In the elections sprinkled across Asia from Japan to Indonesia to Sri Lanka this year, perhaps the most intriguing candidate is Park Geun-Hye, who seeks to be the first woman elected president of South Korea.

As she has risen in prominence over the last decade, Ms. Park, 60, has joined an elite sisterhood of Asian women who have gotten their starts on the road to political power as the daughters or widows of well-known men. Most of the women were educated in Western universities either at home or in Europe or the U.S.

World News

India: Male NGO Calls Women Protection Bill 'Anti-Men'

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India: Male NGO Calls Women Protection Bill 'Anti-Men'


The proposed Protection of Women against Sexual Harassment at Workplace Bill introduced in the Lower House of Parliament has been termed as an anti-men legislation by a non-government organisation.

The All India Men's Welfare Association (AIMWA) said that proposed inquiry proceedings in the 2010 Bill were designed to deny justice to men, Press Trust of India (PTI) reported.

The proposed Protection of Women against Sexual Harassment at Workplace Bill introduced in the Lower House of Parliament has been termed as an anti-men legislation by a non-government organisation.

The All India Men's Welfare Association (AIMWA) said that proposed inquiry proceedings in the 2010 Bill were designed to deny justice to men, Press Trust of India (PTI) reported.

World News

Pakistan: Call for ensuring women’s right to vote in elections

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Pakistan: Call for ensuring women’s right to vote in elections


In order to discuss the role and responsibilities of the government, political parties, media, lawyers and civil society in ensuring women’s right to vote in coming general elections, Aurat Foundation organised a focussed group discussion Wednesday.

In order to discuss the role and responsibilities of the government, political parties, media, lawyers and civil society in ensuring women’s right to vote in coming general elections, Aurat Foundation organised a focussed group discussion Wednesday.

World News

Indonesia: Local values block female participation in politics: LIPI

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Indonesia: Local values block female participation in politics: LIPI


Research conducted by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) found that local values impede women’s progression and participation in the country’s politics.

LIPI found that cultural barriers, founded on patriarchal values adhered to by traditional ethnic communities in the country had limited women at the local political level.

Research conducted by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) found that local values impede women’s progression and participation in the country’s politics.

LIPI found that cultural barriers, founded on patriarchal values adhered to by traditional ethnic communities in the country had limited women at the local political level.

World News

Timor Leste: Women fight for a voice on council

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Timor Leste: Women fight for a voice on council


There is no doubt that much is being done politically to tackle gender inequality in Timor-Leste. The government is redressing the power imbalance with a quota system that sees more women in parliament than anywhere else in south-east Asia, though whether this has any impact on policy remains to be seen. And even at a village level, foreign and local NGOs are helping women set up their own advocacy groups to champion specific rights and needs.

There is no doubt that much is being done politically to tackle gender inequality in Timor-Leste. The government is redressing the power imbalance with a quota system that sees more women in parliament than anywhere else in south-east Asia, though whether this has any impact on policy remains to be seen. And even at a village level, foreign and local NGOs are helping women set up their own advocacy groups to champion specific rights and needs.

World News

Australia: Gender Equality Bill Passes Through Parliament

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Australia: Gender Equality Bill Passes Through Parliament


New legislation supporting gender equality in the workplace has passed through the both houses of Federal Parliament.

The passage of the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Bill 2012 was welcomed by Minister for the Status of Women, Julie Collins, as “another key reform to advance gender equality”.

“This legislation will go a long way to promoting the cultural change necessary to create true gender equality in our workplaces,” Collins said.

New legislation supporting gender equality in the workplace has passed through the both houses of Federal Parliament.

The passage of the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Bill 2012 was welcomed by Minister for the Status of Women, Julie Collins, as “another key reform to advance gender equality”.

“This legislation will go a long way to promoting the cultural change necessary to create true gender equality in our workplaces,” Collins said.

World News

Malaysia: Ban on sexist remarks in parliament

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Malaysia: Ban on sexist remarks in parliament


Malaysian lawmakers on Tuesday approved a ban on sexist remarks in parliament after a number of cases in which male MPs in the mostly Muslim country have drawn anger with their comments on the floor.

The amendment to the rules of conduct in the Dewan Rakyat, or lower house of parliament, bars lawmakers from making “a sexist remark”, opposition lawmaker Fong Po Kuan told AFP, with violators facing a reprimand or even suspension.

Malaysian lawmakers on Tuesday approved a ban on sexist remarks in parliament after a number of cases in which male MPs in the mostly Muslim country have drawn anger with their comments on the floor.

The amendment to the rules of conduct in the Dewan Rakyat, or lower house of parliament, bars lawmakers from making “a sexist remark”, opposition lawmaker Fong Po Kuan told AFP, with violators facing a reprimand or even suspension.

World News

India: BJP lists 30 new faces, women, youth

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India: BJP lists 30 new faces, women, youth


The list of BJP nominations declared for the first phase of Gujarat Assembly polls includes 30 new faces even as many sitting legislators have been retained as part of continuity.



Women and youth have got preference in the BJP’s first list of nominations for the constituencies in Saurashtra, south Gujarat and four seats in Ahmedabad’s rural areas. Ten seats each have been allocated to women and youthful candidates among the 84 names declared on Thursday evening.


The list of BJP nominations declared for the first phase of Gujarat Assembly polls includes 30 new faces even as many sitting legislators have been retained as part of continuity.



Women and youth have got preference in the BJP’s first list of nominations for the constituencies in Saurashtra, south Gujarat and four seats in Ahmedabad’s rural areas. Ten seats each have been allocated to women and youthful candidates among the 84 names declared on Thursday evening.