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The Implementation of Voluntary Gender Quotas by the Australian Labor Party

June 23, 2009

The Implementation of Voluntary Gender Quotas by the Australian Labor Party

This presentation describes the background of the Australian Labor Party and highlights the party's experiences with introducing affirmative action measures in Australia.

This presentation describes the background of the Australian Labor Party and highlights the party's experiences with introducing affirmative action measures in Australia.

Best Practices Used by Political Parties to Promote Women in Politics

May 25, 2009

Best Practices Used by Political Parties to Promote Women in Politics

This consolidated response highlights strategies and policies that may be used in addition to gender quotas by political parties to increase the numbers of women in politics.

This consolidated response highlights strategies and policies that may be used in addition to gender quotas by political parties to increase the numbers of women in politics.

Women’s Political Participation in Traditional and Conservative Societies

April 1, 2009

Women’s Political Participation in Traditional and Conservative Societies

This consolidated response highlights types of positive action measures, advocacy campaigns, women’s movements, and educational opportunities that help women in traditional and conservative societies to overcome some of the barriers that they face in politics and public life.

This consolidated response highlights types of positive action measures, advocacy campaigns, women’s movements, and educational opportunities that help women in traditional and conservative societies to overcome some of the barriers that they face in politics and public life.

Australia: Victims Support and Rehabilitation Act

March 1, 2009

Australia: Victims Support and Rehabilitation Act

The Act was adopted in Australia in 1996 to provide support and rehabilitation for victims of crimes of violence by giving effect to an approved counselling scheme and a statutory compensation scheme.

The Act was adopted in Australia in 1996 to provide support and rehabilitation for victims of crimes of violence by giving effect to an approved counselling scheme and a statutory compensation scheme.



A Woman's Place is in the House - the House of Parliament

September 28, 2007

A Woman's Place is in the House - the House of Parliament

This report reviews the factors that enable and constrain the advancement of women's political representation in the Pacific region countries.

This report reviews the factors that enable and constrain the advancement of women's political representation in the Pacific region countries.

What Is a Gender Audit

April 2, 2007

What Is a Gender Audit

This paper highlights the importance of conducting gender audits of national budgets. It describes the concept of gender audits, provides a list of questions to guide a gender audit, and examines the situation of women with respect to the economy.

This paper highlights the importance of conducting gender audits of national budgets. It describes the concept of gender audits, provides a list of questions to guide a gender audit, and examines the situation of women with respect to the economy.