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World News

Croatia elects centre-left challenger Zoran Milanovic as president

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Croatia elects centre-left challenger Zoran Milanovic as president


Croatia's presidential election has been won by centre-left challenger Zoran Milanovic, who defeated the nationalist incumbent.

The social democratic ex-prime minister vowed to heal divisions, and said his victory had brought "hope and faith".

Mr Milanovic beat Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic - a conservative who won the presidency in 2015 - by 53% to 47%.

Croatia's presidential election has been won by centre-left challenger Zoran Milanovic, who defeated the nationalist incumbent.

The social democratic ex-prime minister vowed to heal divisions, and said his victory had brought "hope and faith".

Mr Milanovic beat Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic - a conservative who won the presidency in 2015 - by 53% to 47%.

World News

Why the Croatian president’s appearance at the World Cup mattered so much

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Why the Croatian president’s appearance at the World Cup mattered so much


Croatia’s second-place finish at the 2018 FIFA World Cup brought global attention to the Balkan nation and its president, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović. The world’s media (Quartz included) was taken with the image of a leader cheering her team’s successes from the cheap seats and consoling them in the rain after a heartbreaking loss.

Croatia’s second-place finish at the 2018 FIFA World Cup brought global attention to the Balkan nation and its president, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović. The world’s media (Quartz included) was taken with the image of a leader cheering her team’s successes from the cheap seats and consoling them in the rain after a heartbreaking loss.

World News

Croatian Women's Rights Activists Don't Only Take to the Streets—They Rename Them

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Croatian Women's Rights Activists Don't Only Take to the Streets—They Rename Them


Seventy years after the women of Croatia were granted suffrage, the country elected its first woman president. Unfortunately, it'd be difficult to find a feminist in Croatia who could say with confidence that President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović will improve women's rights there. On the contrary, the president's right-wing politics are in opposition to many of the rights women seek.

Seventy years after the women of Croatia were granted suffrage, the country elected its first woman president. Unfortunately, it'd be difficult to find a feminist in Croatia who could say with confidence that President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović will improve women's rights there. On the contrary, the president's right-wing politics are in opposition to many of the rights women seek.

World News

Croatia: Too Few Women Take Part in Local Politics

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Croatia: Too Few Women Take Part in Local Politics


In no representative body in Croatian counties do women make up 40 percent, as is stated in a recommendation of the Council of Europe, said Suzana Kunac from the B.a.B.e. women’s rights organisation at a round-table conference entitled “Passing the necessary measures for a fairer participation of women in the political process in accordance with Recommendation (2003) of the Council of Europe for local elections in 2009”, held in Vinkovci on Monday.

In no representative body in Croatian counties do women make up 40 percent, as is stated in a recommendation of the Council of Europe, said Suzana Kunac from the B.a.B.e. women’s rights organisation at a round-table conference entitled “Passing the necessary measures for a fairer participation of women in the political process in accordance with Recommendation (2003) of the Council of Europe for local elections in 2009”, held in Vinkovci on Monday.


New Realities Concerning European Left Wing Gender Equality Politics: Case Study from the South Eastern European Region

March 2, 2009

New Realities Concerning European Left Wing Gender Equality Politics: Case Study from the South Eastern European Region

This report compares the situation and potential for action of women in South Eastern Europe and investigates party politics on gender equality.

This report compares the situation and potential for action of women in South Eastern Europe and investigates party politics on gender equality.

Media and Gender Equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina

April 8, 2008

Media and Gender Equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina

This report describes women's portrayal in media and their limited participation in the creation of media policies in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This report describes women's portrayal in media and their limited participation in the creation of media policies in Bosnia and Herzegovina.