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World News

Millennium Development Project Launched

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Millennium Development Project Launched


A beauty pageant has been organized to address and advocate women empowerment, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), education, environment and health for one year during the Ethiopian Millennium year.
For more information, please visit All Africa's Website

A beauty pageant has been organized to address and advocate women empowerment, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), education, environment and health for one year during the Ethiopian Millennium year.
For more information, please visit All Africa's Website

World News

Women's Training Center in Barentu Inaugurated

Submitted by iKNOW Politics on

Women's Training Center in Barentu Inaugurated


The Center that was built with funding by Eritrean women who reside in Germany and the collaboration of Badme Construction Company includes offices, recreation centers and other facilities.
For more information, please visit All Africa's Website.

The Center that was built with funding by Eritrean women who reside in Germany and the collaboration of Badme Construction Company includes offices, recreation centers and other facilities.
For more information, please visit All Africa's Website.