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Europe and the CIS


Deadline for Fellowships on Deconstructing the Hegemony of Men and Masculinities


Deadline for Fellowships on Deconstructing the Hegemony of Men and Masculinities

Linköping and Örebro Universities, Sweden, are the base for the “Centre of Gender Excellence - Gendering Excellence (GEXcel): Towards a European Centre of Excellence in Transnational and Transdisci

Gender Responsive Budgeting in Practice: A Training Manual

August 9, 2007

Gender Responsive Budgeting in Practice: A Training Manual

This manual specifically seeks to build understanding of gender responsive budgeting as a tool for promoting gender equity, accountability to women’s rights as well as efficiency and transparency in budget policies and processes.

This manual specifically seeks to build understanding of gender responsive budgeting as a tool for promoting gender equity, accountability to women’s rights as well as efficiency and transparency in budget policies and processes.

National Machinery, Action Plans and Gender Mainstreaming in the Council of Europe Member States

May 11, 2007

National Machinery, Action Plans and Gender Mainstreaming in the Council of Europe Member States

This report evaluates the progress made by Council of Europe member states since the Beijing conference. It provides updated information on national machinery, action plans and gender mainstreaming strategies set up to promote equality between women and men.

This report evaluates the progress made by Council of Europe member states since the Beijing conference. It provides updated information on national machinery, action plans and gender mainstreaming strategies set up to promote equality between women and men.

National machinery , action plans and gender mainstreaming in the Council of Europe member states since the 4th World Conference on Women (Beijing 1995)

April 27, 2007

National machinery , action plans and gender mainstreaming in the Council of Europe member states since the 4th World Conference on Women (Beijing 1995)

This document presents the situation concerning institutional mechanisms for equality and their effective functioning in Council of Europe member States.

This document presents the situation concerning institutional mechanisms for equality and their effective functioning in Council of Europe member States.

Assembly of Kosovo: Public Hearing Manual

March 8, 2007

Assembly of Kosovo: Public Hearing Manual

This manual describes public hearings as an integral part of the work of parliamentary committees. It serves as a guide for members of parliamentary committees in Kosovo on conducting a public hearing.

This manual describes public hearings as an integral part of the work of parliamentary committees. It serves as a guide for members of parliamentary committees in Kosovo on conducting a public hearing.

Promoting Gender Equality in New Aid Modalities and Partnerships

February 20, 2007

Promoting Gender Equality in New Aid Modalities and Partnerships

This paper identifies an initial set of considerations to ensure that gender equality is central to the aid effectiveness agenda.

This paper identifies an initial set of considerations to ensure that gender equality is central to the aid effectiveness agenda.

Strengthening Women's Participation in the Inter-Parliamentary Union (Excerpt from Implementing Quotas: European Experiences)

February 19, 2007

Strengthening Women's Participation in the Inter-Parliamentary Union (Excerpt from Implementing Quotas: European Experiences)

This case study examines the Inter-Parliamentary Union's (IPU) efforts to promote women’s participation in parliament. It focuses particularly on the use of quotas and the role of international organizations in advancing women's political participation.

This case study examines the Inter-Parliamentary Union's (IPU) efforts to promote women’s participation in parliament. It focuses particularly on the use of quotas and the role of international organizations in advancing women's political participation.