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World News

Despite gender equality law, less than 18% of candidates in Japan election are women

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Despite gender equality law, less than 18% of candidates in Japan election are women


TOKYO – Just 186 of the 1,051 candidates standing in Japan's House of Representatives election this month, or 17.7%, are women -- on par with the low level seen in the previous lower house race in 2017.

TOKYO – Just 186 of the 1,051 candidates standing in Japan's House of Representatives election this month, or 17.7%, are women -- on par with the low level seen in the previous lower house race in 2017.

World News

Japan takes step toward first female leader as two women run

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Japan takes step toward first female leader as two women run


Two women are in contention to become prime minister of Japan for the first time in its history — a potential turning point for a country that ranks below Saudi Arabia in terms of female political representation.

Two women are in contention to become prime minister of Japan for the first time in its history — a potential turning point for a country that ranks below Saudi Arabia in terms of female political representation.

World News

Japan: Women make headlines in LDP race, but true empowerment a long way off

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Japan: Women make headlines in LDP race, but true empowerment a long way off


Two women have entered the race for the leadership of Japan’s ruling party for the first time in its 66-year history, putting in the spotlight both the strides taken and the hurdles that still face female politicians in a country that lags far behind other nations on gender equality.

Two women have entered the race for the leadership of Japan’s ruling party for the first time in its 66-year history, putting in the spotlight both the strides taken and the hurdles that still face female politicians in a country that lags far behind other nations on gender equality.

World News

Japanese parties vie to boost number of female lawmakers ahead of polls

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Japanese parties vie to boost number of female lawmakers ahead of polls


TOKYO – Japanese political parties are competing with each other to promote female candidates ahead of a lower house election that must be held by this fall, but some worry that, like similar efforts before, the initiative may be more sloganeering than a harbinger of real change.

TOKYO – Japanese political parties are competing with each other to promote female candidates ahead of a lower house election that must be held by this fall, but some worry that, like similar efforts before, the initiative may be more sloganeering than a harbinger of real change.

World News

Japan councilwomen says ouster shows gender bias in politics

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Japan councilwomen says ouster shows gender bias in politics


A councilwoman who was ousted from the town assembly in a famous Japanese hot springs resort after accusing the mayor of sexual assault said Friday her case highlights the problems of male-dominated small town politics in which women are often silenced.

Shoko Arai, the only woman in the 12-member assembly in the town of Kusatsu, northwest of Tokyo, was voted out of office in a Dec. 6 referendum initiated by the mayor and his supporters.

A councilwoman who was ousted from the town assembly in a famous Japanese hot springs resort after accusing the mayor of sexual assault said Friday her case highlights the problems of male-dominated small town politics in which women are often silenced.

Shoko Arai, the only woman in the 12-member assembly in the town of Kusatsu, northwest of Tokyo, was voted out of office in a Dec. 6 referendum initiated by the mayor and his supporters.

World News

Japan eyes 35% quota for women political candidates by 2025

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Japan eyes 35% quota for women political candidates by 2025


TOKYO - Japan will aim for a 35 percent quota for female parliamentary candidates by 2025, Cabinet Office officials have said, hoping that setting a concrete target will advance gender equality in the political realm.

TOKYO - Japan will aim for a 35 percent quota for female parliamentary candidates by 2025, Cabinet Office officials have said, hoping that setting a concrete target will advance gender equality in the political realm.

Japan has so few women politicians that when even one is gaffe-prone, it's damaging

October 26, 2020

Japan has so few women politicians that when even one is gaffe-prone, it's damaging

Last month, Japanese lawmaker Mio Sugita caused outrage on social media when she said that some women lie about sexual assaults.

Last month, Japanese lawmaker Mio Sugita caused outrage on social media when she said that some women lie about sexual assaults.

World News

Japanese lawmaker’s comments on sexual assault spark calls for more female representation in politics

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Japanese lawmaker’s comments on sexual assault spark calls for more female representation in politics


A Japanese lawmaker has apologized for claiming that women can lie about sexual assault. The comments sparked an online petition and have led to calls for increased diversity in the country’s male-dominated politics.

Sugita Mio, a member of the main ruling Liberal Democratic Party, admitted last week to saying “women can tell lies as much as they want” during a party meeting on sexual crimes on September 25.

A Japanese lawmaker has apologized for claiming that women can lie about sexual assault. The comments sparked an online petition and have led to calls for increased diversity in the country’s male-dominated politics.

Sugita Mio, a member of the main ruling Liberal Democratic Party, admitted last week to saying “women can tell lies as much as they want” during a party meeting on sexual crimes on September 25.