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Presentation on Mongolia’s experience: Increasing Women’s Visibility Using Internet and Social Media

April 30, 2014

Presentation on Mongolia’s experience: Increasing Women’s Visibility Using Internet and Social Media

This presentation was given by Oyungerel Tsedevdamba MP and Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism,President, Democratic Women’s Union of Mongolia during the iKNOW

This presentation was given by Oyungerel Tsedevdamba MP and Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism,President, Democratic Women’s Union of Mongolia during the iKNOW

World News

Mongolia: Breaking the Binds of Gender Inequality

Submitted by iKNOW Politics on

Mongolia: Breaking the Binds of Gender Inequality


Mongolia lags in three of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): poverty reduction, environmental sustainability and gender equality, according to the UNDP country report for 2012-2016.

Mongolia lags in three of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): poverty reduction, environmental sustainability and gender equality, according to the UNDP country report for 2012-2016.

World News

Mongolia: Mongolian Women Candidates Visit U.S. to Learn of Politics, Leadership

Submitted by iKNOW Politics on

Mongolia: Mongolian Women Candidates Visit U.S. to Learn of Politics, Leadership


Twelve Mongolian women, all running for office in their homeland, are currently touring the United States to gain first-hand knowledge of politics, campaigns and leadership.
To read the full article, please visit the Mongolia Web's Website.

Twelve Mongolian women, all running for office in their homeland, are currently touring the United States to gain first-hand knowledge of politics, campaigns and leadership.
To read the full article, please visit the Mongolia Web's Website.

Alternative Pathways for Women into Politics (presentation)

April 25, 2012

Alternative Pathways for Women into Politics (presentation)



Call for Applications: Asia Pacific Feminist Forum


Call for Applications: Asia Pacific Feminist Forum

The Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) will hold the first ever Asia Pacific Feminist Forum (APFF) on 12-14 December 2011 in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Practitioner’s Guide to Designing Inclusive and Accountable Local Democratic Institutions

June 27, 2008

Practitioner’s Guide to Designing Inclusive and Accountable Local Democratic Institutions

This guide is the first of its kind to provide an overview of the current range of local representative arrangements and electoral systems in Asia and the Pacific.

This guide is the first of its kind to provide an overview of the current range of local representative arrangements and electoral systems in Asia and the Pacific.

Women’s Efforts vs. Politicians’ Power

February 11, 2008

Women’s Efforts vs. Politicians’ Power

This article is about recent legislative efforts to introduce the 30 percent quota for women candidates in Mongolia and the struggle of mongolian women in adopting this legislation.

This article is about recent legislative efforts to introduce the 30 percent quota for women candidates in Mongolia and the struggle of mongolian women in adopting this legislation.