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World News

Gender equality and governance: role of women in Nigerian politics

September 4, 2023

Gender equality and governance: role of women in Nigerian politics

For most Nigerians, the 4 per cent inclusion of women in the ministerial list of President Bola Tinubu is a step back for gender equality in Nigeria’s politics and an eye-opener of the many hurdles women encounter in occupying political roles.

For most Nigerians, the 4 per cent inclusion of women in the ministerial list of President Bola Tinubu is a step back for gender equality in Nigeria’s politics and an eye-opener of the many hurdles women encounter in occupying political roles.

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Men should consider stepping aside for women in politics, says Akpabio


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6% Nigerian women participation in politics worrisome, say experts

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6% Nigerian women participation in politics worrisome, say experts


Participation of Nigerian women in politics has been described as the lowest in Africa despite the fact that the country is regarded as the giant of Africa.

Participation of Nigerian women in politics has been described as the lowest in Africa despite the fact that the country is regarded as the giant of Africa.