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World News

NGOs fear women will not make up 30% of new government, Serbia

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NGOs fear women will not make up 30% of new government, Serbia


NGOs in Serbia fear that in the coming reshuffle, the government will veer from the European standard of having at least 30 percent of women in its ranks.

Belgrade-based daily Danas reports that a letter cautioning that women should make up at least 30 percent the new government was sent on Monday to all members of the national parliament.

Members of the parliamentary Committee on Human and Minority Rights, and Commissioner for Equality Nevena Petrušić also received the letter.

NGOs in Serbia fear that in the coming reshuffle, the government will veer from the European standard of having at least 30 percent of women in its ranks.

Belgrade-based daily Danas reports that a letter cautioning that women should make up at least 30 percent the new government was sent on Monday to all members of the national parliament.

Members of the parliamentary Committee on Human and Minority Rights, and Commissioner for Equality Nevena Petrušić also received the letter.

World News

Women in politics: The Serbia you have not heard of

Submitted by iKNOW Politics on

Women in politics: The Serbia you have not heard of


Serbia, an aspiring European Union member, succeeded in increasing the percentage of women in its Parliament substantially within the last year. It is consequently ahead of the United States and many other developed countries and older democracies by several spots on a global female Parliamentarian leader list.

In the last session of the Serbian Parliament, women made up 55 members out of 250 total or roughly 22% of members in the Serbian National Assembly. This placed Serbia 56th on the Inter-Parliamentary Union global list, tying the Czech Republic

Serbia, an aspiring European Union member, succeeded in increasing the percentage of women in its Parliament substantially within the last year. It is consequently ahead of the United States and many other developed countries and older democracies by several spots on a global female Parliamentarian leader list.

In the last session of the Serbian Parliament, women made up 55 members out of 250 total or roughly 22% of members in the Serbian National Assembly. This placed Serbia 56th on the Inter-Parliamentary Union global list, tying the Czech Republic

World News

Certain progress in tackling discrimination against women in Serbia

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Certain progress in tackling discrimination against women in Serbia


Serbia has made "certain progress", officials concluded at the session of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.

During the session, the Serbian government delegation presented the report on the implementation of the international Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

Serbia has made "certain progress", officials concluded at the session of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.

During the session, the Serbian government delegation presented the report on the implementation of the international Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

Gender Equality and Local Governance

May 30, 2013

Gender Equality and Local Governance

This publication is the result of concrete activities supported by UN Women and the “Equity in Governance” (EiG) project which aimed at translating international commitments and national gender equality policy to the realities of local governance in Albania.

This publication is the result of concrete activities supported by UN Women and the “Equity in Governance” (EiG) project which aimed at translating international commitments and national gender equality policy to the realities of local governance in Albania.

Women in Politics: Progress & Impact in the Serbian Context

March 22, 2013

Women in Politics: Progress & Impact in the Serbian Context

 This work is concerned with five particular, isolated components of the larger topic of women in politics; specifically the reasons why women do and should run for office (theoretical and practical), the external, systemic barriers they face becoming elec

 This work is concerned with five particular, isolated components of the larger topic of women in politics; specifically the reasons why women do and should run for office (theoretical and practical), the external, systemic barriers they face becoming elec

World News

Serbia: More women entering politics

Submitted by Barbora Galvankova on

Serbia: More women entering politics


The vice-president of the Gender Equality Council and state secretary in the Labour and Social Policy Ministry, Snezana Lakicevic, says women have far more opportunities in Serbian politics than was the case even a few years ago.

To read the complete article please visit

The vice-president of the Gender Equality Council and state secretary in the Labour and Social Policy Ministry, Snezana Lakicevic, says women have far more opportunities in Serbian politics than was the case even a few years ago.

To read the complete article please visit

World News

Serbia: Loznica - A Step Towards Gender Equality

Submitted by iKNOW Politics on

Serbia: Loznica - A Step Towards Gender Equality


Loznica town management senior official Ljubinka Gordanic is one of the many high-ranking women that heads to work each day in the west Serbian town.  In the country as a whole, women make up 51.4% of the population and just 2% occupy executive posts. In Loznica, out of the 176 town administration employees, 114 are women -- exceeding the European standard of women accounting for 30% of an administration.

For more information, please visit: SETimes.Com

Loznica town management senior official Ljubinka Gordanic is one of the many high-ranking women that heads to work each day in the west Serbian town.  In the country as a whole, women make up 51.4% of the population and just 2% occupy executive posts. In Loznica, out of the 176 town administration employees, 114 are women -- exceeding the European standard of women accounting for 30% of an administration.

For more information, please visit: SETimes.Com

World News

Serbia:Women's rights still an uphill battle

Submitted by Barbora Galvankova on

Serbia:Women's rights still an uphill battle


Although guarantees exist on paper, non-compliance with the standards and principles of gender equality remain an obstacle for women in Republika Srpska. Experts say, the most common forms of discrimination against women are domestic violence, violation of women's labour rights, and participation in public and political decision-making.

To read the complete article please visit

Although guarantees exist on paper, non-compliance with the standards and principles of gender equality remain an obstacle for women in Republika Srpska. Experts say, the most common forms of discrimination against women are domestic violence, violation of women's labour rights, and participation in public and political decision-making.

To read the complete article please visit