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World News

Women who broke barriers to get elected, Kenya

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Women who broke barriers to get elected, Kenya


Mary Wambui, Peris Tobiko and Millicent Mugadi will go down the annals of history as women, who tested the rough Kenyan political waters with both feet and emerged victorious during the March 4 General Election.


(We invite our users to read the full article published March 19 2013)

Mary Wambui, Peris Tobiko and Millicent Mugadi will go down the annals of history as women, who tested the rough Kenyan political waters with both feet and emerged victorious during the March 4 General Election.


(We invite our users to read the full article published March 19 2013)

Women’s political participation and Economic Empowerment in Post Conflict Countries: Lessons from the Great Lakes Region in Africa

March 4, 2013

Women’s political participation and Economic Empowerment in Post Conflict Countries: Lessons from the Great Lakes Region in Africa

This report represents a synthesis of the key findings and recommendations of a regional research project on women’s political participation and economic empowerment in countries emerging from conflicts in the Great Lakes region of Africa.

This report represents a synthesis of the key findings and recommendations of a regional research project on women’s political participation and economic empowerment in countries emerging from conflicts in the Great Lakes region of Africa.

World News

Kenya: Women candidates challenge political landscape in Kenya

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Kenya: Women candidates challenge political landscape in Kenya


When Kyambi Kavali, 52, first declared an interest in vying for the Mwingi North parliamentary seat in March 2012, the reception was worse than she expected.

She said elders from Mwingi North tried to talk her out of running because she was a woman.

(Read the full article at: Sabahi)

When Kyambi Kavali, 52, first declared an interest in vying for the Mwingi North parliamentary seat in March 2012, the reception was worse than she expected.

She said elders from Mwingi North tried to talk her out of running because she was a woman.

(Read the full article at: Sabahi)

World News

Women Navigate Political Minefield in Kenya

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Women Navigate Political Minefield in Kenya


NAIROBI, Jan 25 2013 (IPS) - Few women in Kenya harbour illusions of entering politics. Blatant discrimination, threats and intimidations, an uneven playing field and a largely unsympathetic public have turned electoral politics into a veritable minefield for women hoping to secure top government posts.

NAIROBI, Jan 25 2013 (IPS) - Few women in Kenya harbour illusions of entering politics. Blatant discrimination, threats and intimidations, an uneven playing field and a largely unsympathetic public have turned electoral politics into a veritable minefield for women hoping to secure top government posts.

World News

KENYA: Women Got a Raw Deal in Party Primaries

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KENYA: Women Got a Raw Deal in Party Primaries


The number of women who made it to the party lists for normal competitive seats in the forthcoming elections remains diminutive raising a red-flag amongst many Kenyans.

Women aspirants were technically locked out by the Tenth Parliament when it failed to pass laws that would have operationalised section 81(2b) of the constitution that says: not more than two-thirds of the members of the elective bodies shall be of the same gender.

The number of women who made it to the party lists for normal competitive seats in the forthcoming elections remains diminutive raising a red-flag amongst many Kenyans.

Women aspirants were technically locked out by the Tenth Parliament when it failed to pass laws that would have operationalised section 81(2b) of the constitution that says: not more than two-thirds of the members of the elective bodies shall be of the same gender.

World News

UN Women Executive Director to call for women’s full participation in the African Renaissance at the African Union Summit

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UN Women Executive Director to call for women’s full participation in the African Renaissance at the African Union Summit


Increasing women’s participation in politics and economy and ending violence against women to be a key focus of the visit.

Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women Michelle Bachelet will travel to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 26 to 29 January to participate, as part of the delegation of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, in the 20th African Union Summit. The theme of the Summit is “Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance.”

Increasing women’s participation in politics and economy and ending violence against women to be a key focus of the visit.

Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women Michelle Bachelet will travel to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 26 to 29 January to participate, as part of the delegation of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, in the 20th African Union Summit. The theme of the Summit is “Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance.”