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World News

Women political participation in Ukraine in the focus of experts’ discussion

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Women political participation in Ukraine in the focus of experts’ discussion


On 20 May 2024, a round table on "Ensuring women’s engagement in political processes in Ukraine" was held in Kyiv.

On 20 May 2024, a round table on "Ensuring women’s engagement in political processes in Ukraine" was held in Kyiv.

Women and civil society must play vital roles in Ukraine’s postwar recovery

May 30, 2023

Women and civil society must play vital roles in Ukraine’s postwar recovery

When Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine began, Natalia Karbowska sprang into action.

When Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine began, Natalia Karbowska sprang into action.

World News

The value of women’s leadership: NDI supports the 5th Annual Ukranian Women’s Congress

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The value of women’s leadership: NDI supports the 5th Annual Ukranian Women’s Congress


Despite the fact that 61 percent of Ukrainians believe men and women should be equally involved in political life, women continue to be significantly underrepresented in Ukrainian politics. In this context, organizations and events that bring together women from across Ukraine to share knowledge and build connections are vital components of any effort to strengthen women’s involvement in national and local politics in Ukraine.

Despite the fact that 61 percent of Ukrainians believe men and women should be equally involved in political life, women continue to be significantly underrepresented in Ukrainian politics. In this context, organizations and events that bring together women from across Ukraine to share knowledge and build connections are vital components of any effort to strengthen women’s involvement in national and local politics in Ukraine.

World News

How Ukraine’s gender quotas work in practice

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How Ukraine’s gender quotas work in practice


A businesswoman from the southern city of Kherson, Eremenko has seen Ukraine’s local political system from the inside. After helping the Ukrainian army when war broke out in the east of the country in 2014, she ran for city council in a national political party - but didn’t get in. Three years later, when a council member died, it was Eremenko’s turn to join the Kherson council.

A businesswoman from the southern city of Kherson, Eremenko has seen Ukraine’s local political system from the inside. After helping the Ukrainian army when war broke out in the east of the country in 2014, she ran for city council in a national political party - but didn’t get in. Three years later, when a council member died, it was Eremenko’s turn to join the Kherson council.

World News

UNDP, Norway to work together in Ukraine to support women’s participation in local politics

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UNDP, Norway to work together in Ukraine to support women’s participation in local politics


The United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine (UNDP) today signed a new Cooperation Agreement with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on a project boost women’s representation and participation in Ukraine’s decentralized local government territorial communities.

The United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine (UNDP) today signed a new Cooperation Agreement with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on a project boost women’s representation and participation in Ukraine’s decentralized local government territorial communities.

World News

Preventing and combatting sexism at local level in Ukraine: A guide for women and men in local politics

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Preventing and combatting sexism at local level in Ukraine: A guide for women and men in local politics


On 2 July 2020, the Congress organised a webinar on “Preventing and Combatting Sexism at Local Level in Ukraine” to release a guide for women and men in local politics. It aims to equip local politicians in Ukraine with the knowledge necessary to recognise sexism in their institutions and administrations, and to take appropriate measures to address this issue.

On 2 July 2020, the Congress organised a webinar on “Preventing and Combatting Sexism at Local Level in Ukraine” to release a guide for women and men in local politics. It aims to equip local politicians in Ukraine with the knowledge necessary to recognise sexism in their institutions and administrations, and to take appropriate measures to address this issue.


World News

Ukraine’s women leaders joined in Kyiv for the nation’s first women’s congress

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Ukraine’s women leaders joined in Kyiv for the nation’s first women’s congress


Women are building Ukraine’s future and playing prominent roles more than ever before in the nation’s democratic transition – particularly since the 2014 Revolution of Dignity (also known as Euromaidan). Public demand for new faces in government, and calls for sweeping political reform, have fueled both the increased election of women and the introduction of legislation to address gender inequities.

Women are building Ukraine’s future and playing prominent roles more than ever before in the nation’s democratic transition – particularly since the 2014 Revolution of Dignity (also known as Euromaidan). Public demand for new faces in government, and calls for sweeping political reform, have fueled both the increased election of women and the introduction of legislation to address gender inequities.
