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United States of America

World News

Win or lose, Tuesday’s primaries are a big deal for women

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Win or lose, Tuesday’s primaries are a big deal for women


In a year that has broken records for the number of women running for office, the primaries in eight states this week might be considered Super Tuesday for female candidates. More of them will appear on ballots for congressional and statewide executive offices than on any other single primary day in 2018 — a total of 122 women.

In a year that has broken records for the number of women running for office, the primaries in eight states this week might be considered Super Tuesday for female candidates. More of them will appear on ballots for congressional and statewide executive offices than on any other single primary day in 2018 — a total of 122 women.

Electing More Black Women Requires Rejecting a Single Story of Women’s Political Progress

August 6, 2017

Electing More Black Women Requires Rejecting a Single Story of Women’s Political Progress

World News

Pew Research study on how gender relates to political attitudes

Submitted by admin2 on

Pew Research study on how gender relates to political attitudes


In a political context marked by the historical fact that a woman is the leading candidate for presidential nomination of a major USA political party, Hillary Clinton, Pew Research Center Survey explains how gender relates to poli

In a political context marked by the historical fact that a woman is the leading candidate for presidential nomination of a major USA political party, Hillary Clinton, Pew Research Center Survey explains how gender relates to poli

World News

Global Leader's Meeting on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment

Submitted by admin2 on

Global Leader's Meeting on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment


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‘Seven’ to Bring Stories of Real-Life Heroines to Betts Theatre


‘Seven’ to Bring Stories of Real-Life Heroines to Betts Theatre

Based on interviews with women who have fought for change in their home countries around the world, two versions of the acclaimed documentar


Conquering Politics #LikeAGirl

February 7, 2015

Conquering Politics #LikeAGirl

It wasn’t my proudest parenting moment: I stood on the ice surface in the community arena shaking with anger as bewildered hockey players, parents, and coaches looked on.  I had just confronted the six-year boy who had, for the third time, crosschecked my daughter

It wasn’t my proudest parenting moment: I stood on the ice surface in the community arena shaking with anger as bewildered hockey players, parents, and coaches looked on.  I had just confronted the six-year boy who had, for the third time, crosschecked my daughter