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United States of America

World News

Clinton Campaign Spoofs 'Sopranos'

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Clinton Campaign Spoofs 'Sopranos'


The Clinton family took a cue from the Soprano family on Tuesday, releasing an online video that spoofed the finale of the HBO drama and aimed at generating buzz — and money —for Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign.
For more information, please visit USA Today's Website.

The Clinton family took a cue from the Soprano family on Tuesday, releasing an online video that spoofed the finale of the HBO drama and aimed at generating buzz — and money —for Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign.
For more information, please visit USA Today's Website.

World News

Clinton Focuses On Female Bonding

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Clinton Focuses On Female Bonding


The most viable female presidential candidate in U.S. history is building what amounts to a separate organization devoted to winning women's votes. As she pursues the Democratic nomination, the scale of New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's outreach appears unprecedented.
To read the full article, please visit USA Today .

The most viable female presidential candidate in U.S. history is building what amounts to a separate organization devoted to winning women's votes. As she pursues the Democratic nomination, the scale of New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's outreach appears unprecedented.
To read the full article, please visit USA Today .

World News

Clinton, Obama In War Of Words Over 'Rogue Leaders'

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Clinton, Obama In War Of Words Over 'Rogue Leaders'


The bid for the White House between leading Democratic hopefuls Sens. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, and Hillary Clinton, D-New York, is turning ugly, with Clinton criticizing Obama as inexperienced on national security and Obama firing back at what he called a "fabricated controversy."
To read the full article, please visit CNN

The bid for the White House between leading Democratic hopefuls Sens. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, and Hillary Clinton, D-New York, is turning ugly, with Clinton criticizing Obama as inexperienced on national security and Obama firing back at what he called a "fabricated controversy."
To read the full article, please visit CNN

World News

Congress Moves To Protect Native Women From Assaults

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Congress Moves To Protect Native Women From Assaults


Acting in major part on a recent report by Amnesty International and Native American activists, the U.S. Congress is moving to provide additional funding to protect Native American women who suffer disproportionate levels of rape and other sexual abuse.
To read the full article, please visit IPS News

Acting in major part on a recent report by Amnesty International and Native American activists, the U.S. Congress is moving to provide additional funding to protect Native American women who suffer disproportionate levels of rape and other sexual abuse.
To read the full article, please visit IPS News

World News

Millions Of Women Still Fail To Cast Ballots

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Millions Of Women Still Fail To Cast Ballots


In "Election Day," a documentary about the experiences of voters in the 2004 election, an Ohio woman is shown having trouble casting her ballot. She had moved, and despite re-registering, went to three different poll locations because her name didn't appear on the books.
To read the full article, please visit the Women's eNews Website.

In "Election Day," a documentary about the experiences of voters in the 2004 election, an Ohio woman is shown having trouble casting her ballot. She had moved, and despite re-registering, went to three different poll locations because her name didn't appear on the books.
To read the full article, please visit the Women's eNews Website.

World News

Women's March Into Office Slows

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Women's March Into Office Slows


Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton could be elected president next year, and Rep. Nancy Pelosi would likely remain Speaker of the House assuming the Democrats retain control of Congress. But otherwise, women's long, steady march into public office could stall in 2008, and possibly even retreat.
To read the full article, please visit

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton could be elected president next year, and Rep. Nancy Pelosi would likely remain Speaker of the House assuming the Democrats retain control of Congress. But otherwise, women's long, steady march into public office could stall in 2008, and possibly even retreat.
To read the full article, please visit

World News

United States: Maloney Proposes Global Women's Rights Office

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United States: Maloney Proposes Global Women's Rights Office


In honor of Women's Equality Day (August 26), Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) has announced that when the House reconvenes this fall, she will introduce a bill to equip the US government to advocate for global women's rights. The legislation would establish a Commission on International Women’s Rights and a special State Department office to advise the president and secretary of state on international women’s issues.
To read the full article, please visit the Feminist Majority's Website

In honor of Women's Equality Day (August 26), Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) has announced that when the House reconvenes this fall, she will introduce a bill to equip the US government to advocate for global women's rights. The legislation would establish a Commission on International Women’s Rights and a special State Department office to advise the president and secretary of state on international women’s issues.
To read the full article, please visit the Feminist Majority's Website

World News

United States: Women, Politics and the Internet

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United States: Women, Politics and the Internet


We know that women slightly outnumber men online. But at least anecdotally, it seems as if more men are on the political blogs, writing specifically about politics, reading about politics and putting in their two cents in the comments sections.
To read the full article, please visit The New York Times' Website.

We know that women slightly outnumber men online. But at least anecdotally, it seems as if more men are on the political blogs, writing specifically about politics, reading about politics and putting in their two cents in the comments sections.
To read the full article, please visit The New York Times' Website.

World News

United States: Women Lead Each Other Into Political Ring

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United States: Women Lead Each Other Into Political Ring


Young women are getting plenty of invitations to see themselves as winning politicians, including from role model No. 1.
To read the full article, please visit the Women's e-News Website.

Young women are getting plenty of invitations to see themselves as winning politicians, including from role model No. 1.
To read the full article, please visit the Women's e-News Website.