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World News

United States: June Launches Women's Politics Site

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United States: June Launches Women's Politics Site


June Sarpong believes women need motivating to get involved in political discussion and activism. The television presenter has launched a new website called to help get more women interested in politics.
To read the full article, please visit the

June Sarpong believes women need motivating to get involved in political discussion and activism. The television presenter has launched a new website called to help get more women interested in politics.
To read the full article, please visit the

World News

UNITED STATES: Pelosi urges women to seize your opportunity in 'Know your Power'

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UNITED STATES: Pelosi urges women to seize your opportunity in 'Know your Power'


Nancy Pelosi, the first woman Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, in her new book 'Know your Power', urges young women to determine their own fates. "If I can go from the kitchen to the Congress, women with a goal can do anything they set out to do" says Pelosi in an interview about her new book.
To read the full article, please go to the Pop Matters website.

Nancy Pelosi, the first woman Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, in her new book 'Know your Power', urges young women to determine their own fates. "If I can go from the kitchen to the Congress, women with a goal can do anything they set out to do" says Pelosi in an interview about her new book.
To read the full article, please go to the Pop Matters website.

World News

United States: EMILY's List Releases Study of Women Voters

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United States: EMILY's List Releases Study of Women Voters


EMILY's List released a national study Wednesday that examines how "women of different generations view the presidential candidates, politics and life in general." The study, entitled "From 18 to 80: Women on Politics and Society" focused on the views of four generational groups of women.
To read the full article, please visit Ms Magazine .

EMILY's List released a national study Wednesday that examines how "women of different generations view the presidential candidates, politics and life in general." The study, entitled "From 18 to 80: Women on Politics and Society" focused on the views of four generational groups of women.
To read the full article, please visit Ms Magazine .

World News

United States: Survey Sees Male, Female U.S. Pols Equal

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United States: Survey Sees Male, Female U.S. Pols Equal


A survey released Monday said most U.S. residents believe women can be political leaders, although most consider them to be no better than men. The poll from the Pew Research Center said only 6 percent of the adults surveyed considered women to have better skills and attributes than men when it comes to political leadership abilities.
To read the full article, please visit UPI's Website.

A survey released Monday said most U.S. residents believe women can be political leaders, although most consider them to be no better than men. The poll from the Pew Research Center said only 6 percent of the adults surveyed considered women to have better skills and attributes than men when it comes to political leadership abilities.
To read the full article, please visit UPI's Website.

World News

United States: Women Take the Platform at Dem Convention

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United States: Women Take the Platform at Dem Convention


From the party platform ratified by delegates between speeches Monday, to primetime, headlining speeches by two heavy hitters in the election -- Sen. Hillary Clinton and first-lady hopeful Michelle Obama -- the initial two days of the Democratic National Convention were dominated by women.
To read the full article, please visit IPS News Website.

From the party platform ratified by delegates between speeches Monday, to primetime, headlining speeches by two heavy hitters in the election -- Sen. Hillary Clinton and first-lady hopeful Michelle Obama -- the initial two days of the Democratic National Convention were dominated by women.
To read the full article, please visit IPS News Website.

World News

United States: Hillary Clinton's bid for Presidency Influences VP Pick

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United States: Hillary Clinton's bid for Presidency Influences VP Pick


Somehow, some way, Hillary Rodham Clinton remains a force in this presidential race even in defeat, as John McCain's pick of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is a clear, if risky, bid to reach her disappointed voters.
To read the full article, please visit News Day's Website.

Somehow, some way, Hillary Rodham Clinton remains a force in this presidential race even in defeat, as John McCain's pick of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is a clear, if risky, bid to reach her disappointed voters.
To read the full article, please visit News Day's Website.

World News

United States: Fifty Women Leaders from the Middle East and North Africa in United States to Study Elections

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United States: Fifty Women Leaders from the Middle East and North Africa in United States to Study Elections


Fifty women political leaders from the Middle East and North Africa will participate in a program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State's Middle East Partnership Initiative ( MEPI ), at the American University’s Center for Democracy and Election Management (CDEM) and Women and Politics Institute (WPI) . The Election Exchange Program will allow program participants an opportunity to learn from the U.S. experience in electoral campaigning and the chance to witness local and presidential elections up close.

Fifty women political leaders from the Middle East and North Africa will participate in a program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State's Middle East Partnership Initiative ( MEPI ), at the American University’s Center for Democracy and Election Management (CDEM) and Women and Politics Institute (WPI) . The Election Exchange Program will allow program participants an opportunity to learn from the U.S. experience in electoral campaigning and the chance to witness local and presidential elections up close.

World News

United States: Women Gaining Political Power

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United States: Women Gaining Political Power


In the House, 10 new congresswomen will join the 64 incumbents who were re-elected, according to Rutgers University's Center for American Women and Politics, bringing the number of women in the 435-seat body to a record 74. The 100-member U.S. Senate gained one woman, Democrat Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, who became the 17th female senator.
To read the full article, please visit CNN's Website.

In the House, 10 new congresswomen will join the 64 incumbents who were re-elected, according to Rutgers University's Center for American Women and Politics, bringing the number of women in the 435-seat body to a record 74. The 100-member U.S. Senate gained one woman, Democrat Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, who became the 17th female senator.
To read the full article, please visit CNN's Website.

World News

USA: You Want To Run For Office. Now What?

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USA: You Want To Run For Office. Now What?


Lesia Liss, a registered nurse and now a state representative in the Michigan legislature, shares how she did it.
To read more, please see:Forbes website

Lesia Liss, a registered nurse and now a state representative in the Michigan legislature, shares how she did it.
To read more, please see:Forbes website