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United States of America

World News

'We still have a problem with female authority': how politics sets a trap for American women

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'We still have a problem with female authority': how politics sets a trap for American women


“Gender in this race?” Senator Elizabeth Warren said outside her home on Thursday. “You know that is the trap question for every woman. If you say, ‘Yeah! There was sexism in this race,’ everyone says, ‘Whiner!’ And if you say, ‘No, there was no sexism, about a bazillion women think, ‘What planet do you live on?’”

She added: “I promise you this. I will have a lot more to say on that subject later on.”

“Gender in this race?” Senator Elizabeth Warren said outside her home on Thursday. “You know that is the trap question for every woman. If you say, ‘Yeah! There was sexism in this race,’ everyone says, ‘Whiner!’ And if you say, ‘No, there was no sexism, about a bazillion women think, ‘What planet do you live on?’”

She added: “I promise you this. I will have a lot more to say on that subject later on.”

World News

Did first female-majority legislature in US make a difference?

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Did first female-majority legislature in US make a difference?


Nevada made history when it became the first state in the US with a female-majority legislature, with women holding 51% of the seats, in December 2018.

The moment was hailed as a great victory for women - but did having more women in power make a practical difference?

Here are five areas Nevada legislated on in 2019 - which commentators say were helped by the fact there were more women at the table.

Nevada made history when it became the first state in the US with a female-majority legislature, with women holding 51% of the seats, in December 2018.

The moment was hailed as a great victory for women - but did having more women in power make a practical difference?

Here are five areas Nevada legislated on in 2019 - which commentators say were helped by the fact there were more women at the table.

World News

Elizabeth Warren drops out of presidential race

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Elizabeth Warren drops out of presidential race


Elizabeth Warren dropped out of the presidential race Thursday after failing to unite the Democratic Party’s left and right flanks behind her progressive policy agenda, the latest shakeup in a fast-moving battle for the 2020 nomination.

Warren said she was not ready to endorse either of the two remaining major candidates, former Vice President Joe Biden or Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

Elizabeth Warren dropped out of the presidential race Thursday after failing to unite the Democratic Party’s left and right flanks behind her progressive policy agenda, the latest shakeup in a fast-moving battle for the 2020 nomination.

Warren said she was not ready to endorse either of the two remaining major candidates, former Vice President Joe Biden or Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

Women’s political representation and legislative achievements: How women are changing state legislatures

February 27, 2020

Women’s political representation and legislative achievements: How women are changing state legislatures

Women made great strides in political representation in 2018. There has been significant media attention devoted to the historic gains women made in Congress, but the shift in political representation the states was equally significant.

Women made great strides in political representation in 2018. There has been significant media attention devoted to the historic gains women made in Congress, but the shift in political representation the states was equally significant.

World News

On the trail of America’s first women voters

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On the trail of America’s first women voters


It has long been seen as one of the flukes of American political history: For three decades after the American Revolution, the women of New Jersey had equal voting rights with men.

The state was the first — and for a long time, the only — to explicitly enfranchise women, in laws passed more than a century before the 19th Amendment enshrined the principle of gender equality at the polls in the United States Constitution. But this being New Jersey, things quickly came to mischief.

It has long been seen as one of the flukes of American political history: For three decades after the American Revolution, the women of New Jersey had equal voting rights with men.

The state was the first — and for a long time, the only — to explicitly enfranchise women, in laws passed more than a century before the 19th Amendment enshrined the principle of gender equality at the polls in the United States Constitution. But this being New Jersey, things quickly came to mischief.

World News

The future is female: How the growing political power of women will remake American politics

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The future is female: How the growing political power of women will remake American politics


The most profound change in American politics today and in the years to come will result from a massive movement of women into the Democratic Party. As this realignment takes place Hillary Clinton may well go down in history as this century’s equivalent of Al Smith. Al Smith was the Democratic nominee for president in 1928 and the first Roman Catholic ever nominated by a major political party.

The most profound change in American politics today and in the years to come will result from a massive movement of women into the Democratic Party. As this realignment takes place Hillary Clinton may well go down in history as this century’s equivalent of Al Smith. Al Smith was the Democratic nominee for president in 1928 and the first Roman Catholic ever nominated by a major political party.

Nancy Pelosi: why the house of democratic leader wants more women in Washington

February 19, 2020

Nancy Pelosi: why the house of democratic leader wants more women in Washington

For over a decade, Nancy Pelosi has been highly regarded as a trailblazer and change maker in Washington.

For over a decade, Nancy Pelosi has been highly regarded as a trailblazer and change maker in Washington.

World News

USA: Women predominate among the most disengaged nonvoters

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USA: Women predominate among the most disengaged nonvoters


Despite the fact that women are more politically active than men and have comprised a majority of voters in recent elections, a comprehensive new survey finds that women also dominate at the other end of the spectrum: They’re disproportionately among the most disengaged and least-likely to vote.

Despite the fact that women are more politically active than men and have comprised a majority of voters in recent elections, a comprehensive new survey finds that women also dominate at the other end of the spectrum: They’re disproportionately among the most disengaged and least-likely to vote.