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World News

2016 Dream ticket: Hillary and Michelle

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2016 Dream ticket: Hillary and Michelle


The 2016 National Elections are not that far away. It is timely and important that we not wait until then to begin having constructive discussions about who should be given the opportunity and responsibility to succeed President Barack Obama. The questions of the future of politics, economics and equal justice should never be avoided. Especially, given all the voter suppression enactments in many states over the last two years, we should be more vigilant about being politically conscious and civically active.

The 2016 National Elections are not that far away. It is timely and important that we not wait until then to begin having constructive discussions about who should be given the opportunity and responsibility to succeed President Barack Obama. The questions of the future of politics, economics and equal justice should never be avoided. Especially, given all the voter suppression enactments in many states over the last two years, we should be more vigilant about being politically conscious and civically active.


Endangered species: Why are the numbers of women representing LA County in elected office dropping and how can we reverse this trend?


Endangered species: Why are the numbers of women representing LA County in elected office dropping and how can we reverse this trend?

Endangered Species: Why are the Numbers of Women Representing LA County in Elected Office Dropping and How Can We Reverse this Trend?
Sunday, January 26, 2014 from 11:00 AM-5:00 PM


World News

Meet The Next Ruth Bader Ginsburg — Senate Confirms Top Women’s Rights Attorney To Federal Bench

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Meet The Next Ruth Bader Ginsburg — Senate Confirms Top Women’s Rights Attorney To Federal Bench


With her confirmation to the second highest court in the nation very early Thursday morning, Judge Nina Pillard should immediately rocket to the top of the Democratic shortlist of potential nominees to the Supreme Court. Though there are a number of Democratic judges who possess the youth, brilliance and legal credentials required from a new Supreme Court justice, Pillard brings something to the bench that is quite rare among judges — she’s won two of the most important civil rights victories to reach the Supreme Court during her career.

With her confirmation to the second highest court in the nation very early Thursday morning, Judge Nina Pillard should immediately rocket to the top of the Democratic shortlist of potential nominees to the Supreme Court. Though there are a number of Democratic judges who possess the youth, brilliance and legal credentials required from a new Supreme Court justice, Pillard brings something to the bench that is quite rare among judges — she’s won two of the most important civil rights victories to reach the Supreme Court during her career.

World News

Looking Ahead: Opportunities & Challenges for Women's Political Participation in 2014

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Looking Ahead: Opportunities & Challenges for Women's Political Participation in 2014



Looking Ahead: Opportunities and Challenges for Women's Political Participation in 2014


Looking Ahead: Opportunities and Challenges for Women's Political Participation in 2014

Cathy Russell, U.S. ambassador-at-large for global women's issues, will discuss the future of women's political participation around the world.

World News

Fewer women still serve in public office, USA

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Fewer women still serve in public office, USA


On the third floor of Apex Town Hall, inside council chambers, visitors got to see a rare sight.

Two women, Nicole Dozier and Denise Wilkie, were sworn into office. They are the first women to serve on the Apex Town Council in 12 years.

As female elected officials, they are a rarity not only in Wake County but on a state and national level.

We invite you to read the full article published December 8, 2013

On the third floor of Apex Town Hall, inside council chambers, visitors got to see a rare sight.

Two women, Nicole Dozier and Denise Wilkie, were sworn into office. They are the first women to serve on the Apex Town Council in 12 years.

As female elected officials, they are a rarity not only in Wake County but on a state and national level.

We invite you to read the full article published December 8, 2013

World News

Gillibrand: Women-run Hill to focus on economy

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Gillibrand: Women-run Hill to focus on economy


Sen. Kirstin Gillibrand explained Wednesday how politics would be different with more women in office.

“If the Congress today — there are only 20 women out of the 100 in the U.S. Senate. … Obviously that’s not representative of America,” Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) said at POLITICO's Women Rule Summit. “If it was 51 percent in the Congress, we wouldn’t be wasting time talking about access to contraception, we’d be talking about the economy.”

Sen. Kirstin Gillibrand explained Wednesday how politics would be different with more women in office.

“If the Congress today — there are only 20 women out of the 100 in the U.S. Senate. … Obviously that’s not representative of America,” Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) said at POLITICO's Women Rule Summit. “If it was 51 percent in the Congress, we wouldn’t be wasting time talking about access to contraception, we’d be talking about the economy.”

World News

Can Women Save US Democrats in 2014?

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Can Women Save US Democrats in 2014?


The Democratic Party is hoping 2014 will be a Year of the Woman—again.

As party operatives prepare for the midterm elections, Democratic women are being cast in starring roles, on the ballot and at the ballot box, as the party tries to take back politically important governor's mansions and keep its fragile majority in the Senate.

"The importance of women to the Democratic Party in 2014 cannot be overstated," said Jess McIntosh, a spokeswoman for EMILY's List, which recruits and supports Democratic women candidates.

The Democratic Party is hoping 2014 will be a Year of the Woman—again.

As party operatives prepare for the midterm elections, Democratic women are being cast in starring roles, on the ballot and at the ballot box, as the party tries to take back politically important governor's mansions and keep its fragile majority in the Senate.

"The importance of women to the Democratic Party in 2014 cannot be overstated," said Jess McIntosh, a spokeswoman for EMILY's List, which recruits and supports Democratic women candidates.