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United States of America

Running Start

February 13, 2008

Running Start

Running Start is an organization that brings young women to politics so that they are knowledgeable about the process, invested in the outcome, and interested in participating as elected leaders.

Running Start is an organization that brings young women to politics so that they are knowledgeable about the process, invested in the outcome, and interested in participating as elected leaders.

Will Kamala Harris’ rise inspire other women to join politics?

August 23, 2024

Will Kamala Harris’ rise inspire other women to join politics?

Progress toward gender parity in politics slowed in 2024 — a quiet shift after a streak of record-breaking years for women’s political candidacies.

Progress toward gender parity in politics slowed in 2024 — a quiet shift after a streak of record-breaking years for women’s political candidacies.

World News

How female politicians’ first names can work for and against them, according to science

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How female politicians’ first names can work for and against them, according to science


Throughout the course of US presidential races, politicians have carefully chosen what names they go by. Bernie and Pete embraced their first names while Biden, Trump and Warren favored their last names. Some, like Nikki Haley, have used both.

Throughout the course of US presidential races, politicians have carefully chosen what names they go by. Bernie and Pete embraced their first names while Biden, Trump and Warren favored their last names. Some, like Nikki Haley, have used both.

World News

New report delves deeper into black women’s electoral power

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New report delves deeper into black women’s electoral power


Glynda C. Carr and Kimberly Peeler-Allen are cofounders of Higher Heights for America, a New York–based national organization that works to build political power for Black women.

On Monday, September 10, in the nation’s capital, Higher Heights and the Brookings Institution—a nonprofit policy think tank—unveiled a major new report: Claiming Seats at the Table: Black Women’s Electoral Strength in an era of Fractured Politics.

Glynda C. Carr and Kimberly Peeler-Allen are cofounders of Higher Heights for America, a New York–based national organization that works to build political power for Black women.

On Monday, September 10, in the nation’s capital, Higher Heights and the Brookings Institution—a nonprofit policy think tank—unveiled a major new report: Claiming Seats at the Table: Black Women’s Electoral Strength in an era of Fractured Politics.

World News

Win or lose, Tuesday’s primaries are a big deal for women

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Win or lose, Tuesday’s primaries are a big deal for women


In a year that has broken records for the number of women running for office, the primaries in eight states this week might be considered Super Tuesday for female candidates. More of them will appear on ballots for congressional and statewide executive offices than on any other single primary day in 2018 — a total of 122 women.

In a year that has broken records for the number of women running for office, the primaries in eight states this week might be considered Super Tuesday for female candidates. More of them will appear on ballots for congressional and statewide executive offices than on any other single primary day in 2018 — a total of 122 women.

Electing More Black Women Requires Rejecting a Single Story of Women’s Political Progress

August 6, 2017

Electing More Black Women Requires Rejecting a Single Story of Women’s Political Progress