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World News

Why aren't there more women in Zimbabwe's cabinet?

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Why aren't there more women in Zimbabwe's cabinet?


In 1985, I made it to the front page of The Herald newspaper. It was a photo of me wearing a big smile, shaking President Robert Mugabe’s hand during the five-year independence celebrations. This roused my dream to one day become a politician and lead the country. 

We invite our users to read the full article published September 18 2013

In 1985, I made it to the front page of The Herald newspaper. It was a photo of me wearing a big smile, shaking President Robert Mugabe’s hand during the five-year independence celebrations. This roused my dream to one day become a politician and lead the country. 

We invite our users to read the full article published September 18 2013

World News

Where have all the women gone? Panel will talk L.A. gender politics, USA

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Where have all the women gone? Panel will talk L.A. gender politics, USA


Why are there so few female elected officials in the second largest city in the country? Of 18 elected positions in City Hall, only one is held by a woman — Nury Martinez, who joined the council in July.

By comparison, at least 36 percent of the New York City Council is female (at least, there are 18 members of the women’s caucus, and with 50 council members, do the math) as is the speaker, Christine Quinn.

Why are there so few female elected officials in the second largest city in the country? Of 18 elected positions in City Hall, only one is held by a woman — Nury Martinez, who joined the council in July.

By comparison, at least 36 percent of the New York City Council is female (at least, there are 18 members of the women’s caucus, and with 50 council members, do the math) as is the speaker, Christine Quinn.

World News

OFA Launches Women's Initiative To Step Up Pressure On Congress, State Legislatures, USA

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OFA Launches Women's Initiative To Step Up Pressure On Congress, State Legislatures, USA


Progressive groups unveiled a major initiative on Wednesday to draw attention to challenges that women still face and to promote public policies to address gender disparities.

Organizing for Action, dedicated to promoting President Barack Obama's agenda, is launching a "Stand with Women" effort on Wednesday night with more than 100 events in homes around the country.

Progressive groups unveiled a major initiative on Wednesday to draw attention to challenges that women still face and to promote public policies to address gender disparities.

Organizing for Action, dedicated to promoting President Barack Obama's agenda, is launching a "Stand with Women" effort on Wednesday night with more than 100 events in homes around the country.

World News

Female Senate candidates press Democrats’ gender advantage, USA

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Female Senate candidates press Democrats’ gender advantage, USA


The emergence of three female Democrats as competitive Senate candidates has party activists optimistic the 2014 election cycle will end with a record number of women in the upper chamber.

West Virginia Secretary of State Natalie Tennant, who officially launched her Senate bid Tuesday, joins fellow Democrats Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky and Michelle Nunn in Georgia as high-profile recruits in states Democrats consider winnable next year.

The emergence of three female Democrats as competitive Senate candidates has party activists optimistic the 2014 election cycle will end with a record number of women in the upper chamber.

West Virginia Secretary of State Natalie Tennant, who officially launched her Senate bid Tuesday, joins fellow Democrats Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky and Michelle Nunn in Georgia as high-profile recruits in states Democrats consider winnable next year.

World News

Politial trailblazer for women in politics Susan Farmer dies at 71, USA

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Politial trailblazer for women in politics Susan Farmer dies at 71, USA


Susan Farmer, who broke the glass ceiling in Rhode Island politics by becoming the first woman to be elected secretary of state — and the first female Rhode Islander ever to hold statewide general office — and then went on to run and manage the state’s public television station for 17 years, died Monday after a long battle with cancer. She was 71.

Susan Farmer, who broke the glass ceiling in Rhode Island politics by becoming the first woman to be elected secretary of state — and the first female Rhode Islander ever to hold statewide general office — and then went on to run and manage the state’s public television station for 17 years, died Monday after a long battle with cancer. She was 71.

World News

Calling All Lady Leaders: Women in Politics Panel at Harold Washington Library Center, USA

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Calling All Lady Leaders: Women in Politics Panel at Harold Washington Library Center, USA


Politician and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton once said, “Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world.”

Fictional "Parks and Recreation" politician Leslie Knope once said, “Maybe it’s time for more women to be in charge.” And then probably said something about waffles.

While perhaps the real-world influence of these two women is disparate (one a fictional television character, the other a diplomat who has traveled to and managed relations in over 112 countries), the messages of both ring true.

Politician and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton once said, “Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world.”

Fictional "Parks and Recreation" politician Leslie Knope once said, “Maybe it’s time for more women to be in charge.” And then probably said something about waffles.

While perhaps the real-world influence of these two women is disparate (one a fictional television character, the other a diplomat who has traveled to and managed relations in over 112 countries), the messages of both ring true.

World News

Donna Frye Honored for Courage By Women in Politics Activists, USA

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Donna Frye Honored for Courage By Women in Politics Activists, USA


The woman who helped launch the beginning of the end of Bob Filner's mayoral careeris now being recognized as a "Woman of Courage".

That salute to Donna Frye's courage and civic activism comes from Run Women Run -- an influential, nonpartisan political action committee that promotes women in electoral politics.

In an interview Wednesday with NBC 7, Frye ruled out questions and discussion about the many women she urged to come forward with sexual allegations against Filner.

The woman who helped launch the beginning of the end of Bob Filner's mayoral careeris now being recognized as a "Woman of Courage".

That salute to Donna Frye's courage and civic activism comes from Run Women Run -- an influential, nonpartisan political action committee that promotes women in electoral politics.

In an interview Wednesday with NBC 7, Frye ruled out questions and discussion about the many women she urged to come forward with sexual allegations against Filner.

World News

An Absence of Estrogen in Politics: Why Aren't Women Running for Office in the USA?

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An Absence of Estrogen in Politics: Why Aren't Women Running for Office in the USA?


There's something missing from our political offices, and the answer is in the hormones. We need more estrogen.

Despite having successful female examples at the national level such as Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, and Nancy Pelosi, the number of women in political office is staggeringly low. According to a 2013 study by the Center for American Women and Politics, women comprise only 18.3% of Congress; in other words, they hold only 98 of the 535 seats.

There's something missing from our political offices, and the answer is in the hormones. We need more estrogen.

Despite having successful female examples at the national level such as Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, and Nancy Pelosi, the number of women in political office is staggeringly low. According to a 2013 study by the Center for American Women and Politics, women comprise only 18.3% of Congress; in other words, they hold only 98 of the 535 seats.

World News

Seven local women from Pensacola form Institute for Women in Politics, USA

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Seven local women from Pensacola form Institute for Women in Politics, USA


Seven local women announced the formation of the Institute for Women in Politics of Northwest Florida Inc. The nonprofit corporation will “provide ... training resources and counseling services to promote and fulfill the vital need for women to serve at all levels of government in the Florida counties of Escambia, Santa Rosa and Okaloosa". Former Pensacola City Councilor Diane Mack is the organization’s first president. 

Seven local women announced the formation of the Institute for Women in Politics of Northwest Florida Inc. The nonprofit corporation will “provide ... training resources and counseling services to promote and fulfill the vital need for women to serve at all levels of government in the Florida counties of Escambia, Santa Rosa and Okaloosa". Former Pensacola City Councilor Diane Mack is the organization’s first president.