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United States of America

World News

Funny how gender never came up during Bernanke’s nomination. Or Greenspan’s. Or Volcker’s. USA

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Funny how gender never came up during Bernanke’s nomination. Or Greenspan’s. Or Volcker’s. USA


When I wrote my article on the subtle, sexist whispering campaign against Janet Yellen, my example of a rare not-so-subtle sexist comment came from Richard Fisher, president of the Dallas Federal Reserve. Asked about Yellen on CNBC, he worried that the pick would be “driven by gender,” even as he allowed that she was “extremely capable.”

We invite you to read the full article published July 31

When I wrote my article on the subtle, sexist whispering campaign against Janet Yellen, my example of a rare not-so-subtle sexist comment came from Richard Fisher, president of the Dallas Federal Reserve. Asked about Yellen on CNBC, he worried that the pick would be “driven by gender,” even as he allowed that she was “extremely capable.”

We invite you to read the full article published July 31

World News

USA: Women's Political Caucus of New Jersey Congratulates the all Female Ticket and Decries Remarks

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USA: Women's Political Caucus of New Jersey Congratulates the all Female Ticket and Decries Remarks


The Women's Political Caucus of New Jersey (WPCNJ) congratulates New Jersey's Democratic candidate for governor in 2013, State Senator Barbara Buono, in her choice on SEIU 1199 Vice-President Milly Silva as her running mate. According to Center for Women and Politics(CAWP), New Jersey is only the third state ever to field a two-woman major party ticket in the general election for a state's top elective posts, following examples set by Democrats in Illinois in 1994 and Republicans in Kentucky in 1999.

The Women's Political Caucus of New Jersey (WPCNJ) congratulates New Jersey's Democratic candidate for governor in 2013, State Senator Barbara Buono, in her choice on SEIU 1199 Vice-President Milly Silva as her running mate. According to Center for Women and Politics(CAWP), New Jersey is only the third state ever to field a two-woman major party ticket in the general election for a state's top elective posts, following examples set by Democrats in Illinois in 1994 and Republicans in Kentucky in 1999.

World News

UMass Boston Appoints New Leader of the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy, USA

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UMass Boston Appoints New Leader of the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy, USA


Ann Bookman, a nationally known researcher and social policy expert on women's issues, work-family balance and community engagement, has been named director of the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy (CWPPP)of the McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston.

Ann Bookman, a nationally known researcher and social policy expert on women's issues, work-family balance and community engagement, has been named director of the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy (CWPPP)of the McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston.

World News

UN WOMEN seeking Policy Specialist (Gender Responsive Peacebuilding)

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UN WOMEN seeking Policy Specialist (Gender Responsive Peacebuilding)


Application Deadline : 09-Aug-13
Type of Contract : FTA International
Post Level : P-3
Languages Required :
Application Deadline : 09-Aug-13
Type of Contract : FTA International
Post Level : P-3
Languages Required :


World News

What's Keeping Women From Getting Presidential Buzz? Hillary Clinton.

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What's Keeping Women From Getting Presidential Buzz? Hillary Clinton.


Clinton is a bigger obstacle than sexism for Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Amy Klobuchar.

Clinton is a bigger obstacle than sexism for Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Amy Klobuchar.

World News

USA: Why are there so few women in the Michigan legislature?

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USA: Why are there so few women in the Michigan legislature?


Women are outnumbered in state legislatures around the country, particularly in Michigan, where female representation is at its lowest point in more than two decades.

As MLive reported Sunday, women inside and outside the state legislature are working to recruit new female candidates. But as of today, women hold only 28 out of 148 seats in the Michigan Legislature. 

Women are outnumbered in state legislatures around the country, particularly in Michigan, where female representation is at its lowest point in more than two decades.

As MLive reported Sunday, women inside and outside the state legislature are working to recruit new female candidates. But as of today, women hold only 28 out of 148 seats in the Michigan Legislature. 

World News

USA: Lindy Boggs, congresswoman and advocate for women, dies

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USA: Lindy Boggs, congresswoman and advocate for women, dies


Lindy Boggs was only 24 when she arrived in Washington as the top political adviser to her husband, newly elected to Congress.

Thirty-two years later, the seat became hers after Hale Boggs was presumed dead in a plane crash, and she made her own mark as an advocate for women and minorities.

Boggs died Saturday at the age of 97, according to ABC News, where Boggs' daughter Cokie Roberts is a political contributor.

Lindy Boggs was only 24 when she arrived in Washington as the top political adviser to her husband, newly elected to Congress.

Thirty-two years later, the seat became hers after Hale Boggs was presumed dead in a plane crash, and she made her own mark as an advocate for women and minorities.

Boggs died Saturday at the age of 97, according to ABC News, where Boggs' daughter Cokie Roberts is a political contributor.

World News

Heiresses apparent: Daughters take their turn for the political dynasty, USA

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Heiresses apparent: Daughters take their turn for the political dynasty, USA


American political dynasties historically have been built on power passed from fathers to sons, brothers to brothers, even husbands to wives: the Adamses, the Kennedys, the Bushes, the Clintons.

Now, it is the daughters’ turn.

We invite you to read the full article published July 26 2013

American political dynasties historically have been built on power passed from fathers to sons, brothers to brothers, even husbands to wives: the Adamses, the Kennedys, the Bushes, the Clintons.

Now, it is the daughters’ turn.

We invite you to read the full article published July 26 2013