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United States of America

World News

Top Women Lobbyists Make $600,000 Less Than Their Male Counterparts: Report, USA

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Top Women Lobbyists Make $600,000 Less Than Their Male Counterparts: Report, USA


WASHINGTON -- Gender inequality is alive and well on K Street, Washington's notorious lobbying boulevard, according to a new report on CEO salaries issued Thursday by BloombergThe r

WASHINGTON -- Gender inequality is alive and well on K Street, Washington's notorious lobbying boulevard, according to a new report on CEO salaries issued Thursday by BloombergThe r

World News

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand: How Women Can Make Their Voices Heard in Politics, USA

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Senator Kirsten Gillibrand: How Women Can Make Their Voices Heard in Politics, USA


"How would you in your current position help foster more female participation and occupation in public service?"

Senator Gillibrand:

"How would you in your current position help foster more female participation and occupation in public service?"

Senator Gillibrand:

World News

It's a puzzle: Why isn't Iowa electing women?, USA

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It's a puzzle: Why isn't Iowa electing women?, USA


Iowa — It was among the first states to legalize gay marriage and served as the 2008 campaign liftoff site for the first black president, but in other arenas Iowa isn't quite so progressive – it's also one of just two states to never elect a woman governor or member of Congress. The other is Mississippi, a fact that causes a certain amount of handwringing among Iowa's political classes.

Iowa — It was among the first states to legalize gay marriage and served as the 2008 campaign liftoff site for the first black president, but in other arenas Iowa isn't quite so progressive – it's also one of just two states to never elect a woman governor or member of Congress. The other is Mississippi, a fact that causes a certain amount of handwringing among Iowa's political classes.

World News

There's No Such Thing as a Generic Woman Presidential Candidate, USA

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There's No Such Thing as a Generic Woman Presidential Candidate, USA


EMILY's List, the venerable group dedicated to electing pro-choice Democratic women, held a briefing to release data on how generic women candidates might fare and to urge pollsters to poll more women candidates than just Hillary Clinton as they consider potential 2016 presidential candidates. "Battleground voters are ready for a woman president, and the country is, too," the group announced in presenting their data,

EMILY's List, the venerable group dedicated to electing pro-choice Democratic women, held a briefing to release data on how generic women candidates might fare and to urge pollsters to poll more women candidates than just Hillary Clinton as they consider potential 2016 presidential candidates. "Battleground voters are ready for a woman president, and the country is, too," the group announced in presenting their data,

World News

Can a Woman Be President? Just Ask These Ladies! USA

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Can a Woman Be President? Just Ask These Ladies! USA


As President Barack Obama’s second term gets underway, speculation is already running rampant over who will run next. Will our next president be a woman? It’s an important question, but one that college students all over the country have already answered with a resounding yes.

As President Barack Obama’s second term gets underway, speculation is already running rampant over who will run next. Will our next president be a woman? It’s an important question, but one that college students all over the country have already answered with a resounding yes.

World News

Why Both the Dems and the GOP Now Think Voters Prefer Female Candidates, USA

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Why Both the Dems and the GOP Now Think Voters Prefer Female Candidates, USA


In the two-year cycle of the political calendar, it is candidate-recruitment season—the time when Washington operatives fan out across the country to size up the political horseflesh.

In the two-year cycle of the political calendar, it is candidate-recruitment season—the time when Washington operatives fan out across the country to size up the political horseflesh.


World News

Getting women ready to run for political leadership, USA

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Getting women ready to run for political leadership, USA


 Even in the new millennium, it remains true that few women aspire — let alone actually become a candidate — to run for elected office.  That’s unfortunate because it means the bodies responsible for solving our most pressing problems are missing the diverse voices needed for robust debate and policymaking.

 Even in the new millennium, it remains true that few women aspire — let alone actually become a candidate — to run for elected office.  That’s unfortunate because it means the bodies responsible for solving our most pressing problems are missing the diverse voices needed for robust debate and policymaking.