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Academic Paper / Article

Presidents’ sex and popularity: baselines, dynamics and policy performance

May 9, 2019

Presidents’ sex and popularity: baselines, dynamics and policy performance

Public approval is a crucial source of executive power in presidential systems. Does the public support female and male presidents similarly?

Public approval is a crucial source of executive power in presidential systems. Does the public support female and male presidents similarly?

Strengthening women's participation in local governance: lessons and strategies

April 2, 2019

Strengthening women's participation in local governance: lessons and strategies

South Africa has made great strides in establishing a constitutional and legislative framework for building a participatory democracy.

South Africa has made great strides in establishing a constitutional and legislative framework for building a participatory democracy.

Political Participation of Women in Local Governance: A Case Study of Selected Local Government Bodies in Eastern Sri Lanka

April 2, 2019

Political Participation of Women in Local Governance: A Case Study of Selected Local Government Bodies in Eastern Sri Lanka

Although Sri Lanka has 51% women, their participation in local governance as well as in the national parliament is 5% in total.

Although Sri Lanka has 51% women, their participation in local governance as well as in the national parliament is 5% in total.

Women in local government: what we know and where we go from here

April 2, 2019

Women in local government: what we know and where we go from here

Women are underrepresented in most elected and appointed positions in local government in the United States.

Women are underrepresented in most elected and appointed positions in local government in the United States.

Contesting gender quotas: dynamics of resistance

April 2, 2019

Contesting gender quotas: dynamics of resistance

Gender quotas have diffused rapidly around the globe in recent decades, suggesting widespread and dramatic transformations in women's access to political power.

Gender quotas have diffused rapidly around the globe in recent decades, suggesting widespread and dramatic transformations in women's access to political power.

“The quota encouraged me to run”: evaluating Jordan’s municipal quota for women

March 25, 2019

“The quota encouraged me to run”: evaluating Jordan’s municipal quota for women

Gender quotas are a means to improve women’s political representation. This article examines the impact of Jordan’s municipal quota enacted in 2007. The quota drew into the political arena women who would otherwise not have run for office.

Gender quotas are a means to improve women’s political representation. This article examines the impact of Jordan’s municipal quota enacted in 2007. The quota drew into the political arena women who would otherwise not have run for office.

Women in politics: Gaining ground for progressive outcomes in Pakistan

December 7, 2018

Women in politics: Gaining ground for progressive outcomes in Pakistan

Inclusive politics remains an elusive goal in Pakistan, which has a history of military interference in governance institutions, unstable elected governments and internecine conflict.

Inclusive politics remains an elusive goal in Pakistan, which has a history of military interference in governance institutions, unstable elected governments and internecine conflict.

Violence against women in politics: A rising global trend

November 19, 2018

Violence against women in politics: A rising global trend

Recent years have witnessed a troubling rise in reports of assault, intimidation, and abuse directed at politically active women.

Recent years have witnessed a troubling rise in reports of assault, intimidation, and abuse directed at politically active women.

The law and violence against women in politics

November 19, 2018

The law and violence against women in politics

Latin America has been at the vanguard in implementing diverse strategies to combat violence against women in politics (VAWIP). In 2012, Bolivia became the first country to criminalize “political violence and harassment against women” with Law 243.

Latin America has been at the vanguard in implementing diverse strategies to combat violence against women in politics (VAWIP). In 2012, Bolivia became the first country to criminalize “political violence and harassment against women” with Law 243.