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Academic Paper / Article

Gender Budgeting - An Equality Policy Strategy

February 9, 2016

Gender Budgeting - An Equality Policy Strategy

Gender mainstreaming and gender budgeting are fixtures of the debates and documents of the international women’s movement.

Gender mainstreaming and gender budgeting are fixtures of the debates and documents of the international women’s movement.

Policy Recommendation: Applying Global Tools to Improve National Action Plans on UNSCR 1325

January 14, 2016

Policy Recommendation: Applying Global Tools to Improve National Action Plans on UNSCR 1325

Why Women? Inclusive Security and Peaceful Societies

November 20, 2015

Why Women? Inclusive Security and Peaceful Societies

Traditional approaches to ending wars—where armed groups meet behind closed doors to hammer out a truce—are falling short in the face of 21st

Traditional approaches to ending wars—where armed groups meet behind closed doors to hammer out a truce—are falling short in the face of 21st

Statement of the Iraqi Women Network in Commemoration of 15th Anniversary of UNSC Resolution 1325

November 17, 2015

Statement of the Iraqi Women Network in Commemoration of 15th Anniversary of UNSC Resolution 1325

Tunisian Women: Political Role, Gains and Challenges (The Case of Parity)

August 18, 2014

Tunisian Women: Political Role, Gains and Challenges (The Case of Parity)

2011 was the year where Tunisian history suddenly witnessed a significant turnout by the outbreak of the popular uprising in Tunisia causing the fall of the authoritarian regime.
2011 was the year where Tunisian history suddenly witnessed a significant turnout by the outbreak of the popular uprising in Tunisia causing the fall of the authoritarian regime.