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Academic Paper / Article

Increasing women’s representation in Pacific politics: ‘give it time’ is not the answer

October 18, 2023

Increasing women’s representation in Pacific politics: ‘give it time’ is not the answer

Independent states in the Pacific region have the lowest levels of women’s political representation in the world.

Independent states in the Pacific region have the lowest levels of women’s political representation in the world.

One step forward, two steps back: women’s political representation in the Pacific

October 17, 2023

One step forward, two steps back: women’s political representation in the Pacific

Independent states in the Pacific region have the lowest levels of women’s political representation in the world.

Independent states in the Pacific region have the lowest levels of women’s political representation in the world.

Violence against women in politics: an urgent problem the political science community must take seriously

September 15, 2023

Violence against women in politics: an urgent problem the political science community must take seriously

Violence against women in politics (VAWIP) is an urgent problem worldwide. At the time of this writing, U.S.

Violence against women in politics (VAWIP) is an urgent problem worldwide. At the time of this writing, U.S.

The Momentum Is Here: Mongolia’s Journey Towards Gender Equality in Decision-Making

September 13, 2023

The Momentum Is Here: Mongolia’s Journey Towards Gender Equality in Decision-Making

In the vast landscape of Mongolia, the traditional nomadic lifestyle is deeply rooted in the fabric of its culture.

In the vast landscape of Mongolia, the traditional nomadic lifestyle is deeply rooted in the fabric of its culture.

Women and Power in Africa: Aspiring, Campaigning and Governing.

August 18, 2023

Women and Power in Africa: Aspiring, Campaigning and Governing.

There is a fast-growing body of literature on women’s political representation in Africa—a continent that often challenges the existing beliefs and common understandings of women’s representation

There is a fast-growing body of literature on women’s political representation in Africa—a continent that often challenges the existing beliefs and common understandings of women’s representation

Civic engagement as a political scientist: tackling violence against women in politics

August 9, 2023

Civic engagement as a political scientist: tackling violence against women in politics

In September 2022, I had the opportunity to organize a roundtable at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Sc

In September 2022, I had the opportunity to organize a roundtable at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Sc

Women’s interest in entering politics surged after Dobbs. So why aren’t they running?

July 4, 2023

Women’s interest in entering politics surged after Dobbs. So why aren’t they running?

Susanna Gibson remembers where she was and what she was doing on June 24, 2022, the way some remember 9/11 or the Challenger explosion.

Susanna Gibson remembers where she was and what she was doing on June 24, 2022, the way some remember 9/11 or the Challenger explosion.