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Case Study

Gender-sensitive parliaments: Beyond the add women and stir approach in Wales

February 21, 2022

Gender-sensitive parliaments: Beyond the add women and stir approach in Wales

Every decision a parliamentarian makes is a chance to advance gender equality. From choosing a topic for an oversight inquiry to drafting legislative amendments, gender-sensitive scrutiny can help bring inequalities to the surface and find remedies.

Every decision a parliamentarian makes is a chance to advance gender equality. From choosing a topic for an oversight inquiry to drafting legislative amendments, gender-sensitive scrutiny can help bring inequalities to the surface and find remedies.

Running for office is still for men—some data on the Ambition Gap

February 18, 2022

Running for office is still for men—some data on the Ambition Gap

As the 2022 midterm election season gets underway, speculation is already mounting that it’s going to be another banner year for female

As the 2022 midterm election season gets underway, speculation is already mounting that it’s going to be another banner year for female

Women in politics in New Zealand: here’s what they are doing right

November 30, 2021

Women in politics in New Zealand: here’s what they are doing right

New Zealand was the first country in the world where women won the right to vote and it’s now a leader for gender parity in politics.

New Zealand was the first country in the world where women won the right to vote and it’s now a leader for gender parity in politics.

Gender assessment of political parties' internal regulations in Sudan

October 11, 2021

Gender assessment of political parties' internal regulations in Sudan

Political parties are considered gatekeepers for women’s access to political positions, as they play an important role in institutionalizing women’s inclusion in politics.

Political parties are considered gatekeepers for women’s access to political positions, as they play an important role in institutionalizing women’s inclusion in politics.

Situational analysis of women's political participation in Botswana

August 13, 2021

Situational analysis of women's political participation in Botswana

With less than a decade to go to 2030, the deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals, women constitute just 11% of MPs and 18% of councillors in Botswana: well below the gender parity target and among the lowest proportions in Southern Africa.

With less than a decade to go to 2030, the deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals, women constitute just 11% of MPs and 18% of councillors in Botswana: well below the gender parity target and among the lowest proportions in Southern Africa.

Gender Quotas and Women’s Political Representation: Lessons from Morocco

July 28, 2021

Gender Quotas and Women’s Political Representation: Lessons from Morocco

In 2011, the Arab Spring precipitated fervent calls for democratic reforms, leading the Moroccan government to enact gender quotas that reserved seats for women in Parliament as well as regional, district, and communal councils.

In 2011, the Arab Spring precipitated fervent calls for democratic reforms, leading the Moroccan government to enact gender quotas that reserved seats for women in Parliament as well as regional, district, and communal councils.

7 takeaways from NewsHour’s investigation into harassment Black women in politics face

June 30, 2021

7 takeaways from NewsHour’s investigation into harassment Black women in politics face

Black women in politics face a harrowing reality: Harassment, abuse and death threats for doing their jobs as Black women.

Black women in politics face a harrowing reality: Harassment, abuse and death threats for doing their jobs as Black women.

“Parity in everything”: What Mexico can teach us about women’s representation

June 9, 2021

“Parity in everything”: What Mexico can teach us about women’s representation

Mexico is the first country in the world to implement gender parity so thoroughly and effectively. The journey has not been easy—and is far from over.

Mexico is the first country in the world to implement gender parity so thoroughly and effectively. The journey has not been easy—and is far from over.