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Why female rage won't deliver a female president

June 3, 2019

Why female rage won't deliver a female president

BIf we believed the print headlines and TV chyrons, 2019 was going to be another "year of the woman." The afterglow of the midterm elections was a nuclear wash of "women's anger" — a deep-seated sense of fear, grief, and, of course, rage at the boori

BIf we believed the print headlines and TV chyrons, 2019 was going to be another "year of the woman." The afterglow of the midterm elections was a nuclear wash of "women's anger" — a deep-seated sense of fear, grief, and, of course, rage at the boori

In the aftermath of genocide, Rwanda’s women have transformed the country

May 3, 2019

In the aftermath of genocide, Rwanda’s women have transformed the country