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Women in politics face constant sexist attacks, proving progress is only partial

November 14, 2018

Women in politics face constant sexist attacks, proving progress is only partial

By Ani Gasparyan,

The 2018 midterm elections made significant strides for the Democratic Party. But the same can’t be said for women in politics.

By Ani Gasparyan,

The 2018 midterm elections made significant strides for the Democratic Party. But the same can’t be said for women in politics.

Take notes from women in politics

November 2, 2018

Take notes from women in politics

By Payton Saso,

In today's society, college women tend to look to female celebrities and social media influencers for inspiration on how to be successful in life.

By Payton Saso,

In today's society, college women tend to look to female celebrities and social media influencers for inspiration on how to be successful in life.

Ethiopia’s new 50% women cabinet isn’t just bold—it’s smart

October 26, 2018

Ethiopia’s new 50% women cabinet isn’t just bold—it’s smart

Ethiopia’s prime minister Abiy Ahmed is rewarding women’s contributions to the nation’s progress.

Ethiopia’s prime minister Abiy Ahmed is rewarding women’s contributions to the nation’s progress.