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Editorial / Opinion Piece / Blog Post

Young people are less likely to vote than older citizens, but they are also more diverse in how they choose to participate in politics.

April 28, 2014

Young people are less likely to vote than older citizens, but they are also more diverse in how they choose to participate in politics.

Participation in electoral politics has declined across Western Europe in recent decades as citizens have become increasingly disillusioned with conventional forms of politics.

Participation in electoral politics has declined across Western Europe in recent decades as citizens have become increasingly disillusioned with conventional forms of politics.

Strengthening women’s networks: A central place in the new UNDP gender equality strategy 2014-2017

April 14, 2014

Strengthening women’s networks: A central place in the new UNDP gender equality strategy 2014-2017

Editorial by Charles Chauvel, Advisor for Parliamentary Development, UNDP

As an implementing partner of iKNOW Politics, UNDP calls attention to its newly-adopted gender equality strategy for the period 2014-2017. The strategy seeks to ensure that gender equality and women’s empowerment are integrated into every aspect of UNDP’s work to support countries in eradicating poverty and reducing inequalities and exclusion...

Editorial by Charles Chauvel, Advisor for Parliamentary Development, UNDP

As an implementing partner of iKNOW Politics, UNDP calls attention to its newly-adopted gender equality strategy for the period 2014-2017. The strategy seeks to ensure that gender equality and women’s empowerment are integrated into every aspect of UNDP’s work to support countries in eradicating poverty and reducing inequalities and exclusion...

Women in Post-genocide Rwanda Have Helped Heal Their Country

April 3, 2014

Women in Post-genocide Rwanda Have Helped Heal Their Country

The document reflects on how Rwandan women have secured big gains in the halls of power, although challenges remain.

The document reflects on how Rwandan women have secured big gains in the halls of power, although challenges remain.

How Presidents Talk About Women in SOTU Speeches, USA

January 28, 2014

How Presidents Talk About Women in SOTU Speeches, USA

Since the 1920s, the addresses have gone from nearly all-"men" affairs to a roughly equal gender footing.
Since the 1920s, the addresses have gone from nearly all-"men" affairs to a roughly equal gender footing.

Where is women’s place in local government in Turkey?

December 24, 2013

Where is women’s place in local government in Turkey?

Dec. 5 was the 79th anniversary of the day Turkish women were granted the right to vote and to be elected. 

The confusion in the domestic and external agenda caused this gain to be celebrated less than it deserved. 

Dec. 5 was the 79th anniversary of the day Turkish women were granted the right to vote and to be elected. 

The confusion in the domestic and external agenda caused this gain to be celebrated less than it deserved. 

Despite Success in Politics Many Latin American Women Still Experience Gender Discrimination

November 15, 2013

Despite Success in Politics Many Latin American Women Still Experience Gender Discrimination

The likely victory of Michelle Bachelet in Chile’s presidential elections will strengthen women’s political power in Latin America, a region where while progressing, still sees millions of women as the victims of discrimination and violence.

The likely victory of Michelle Bachelet in Chile’s presidential elections will strengthen women’s political power in Latin America, a region where while progressing, still sees millions of women as the victims of discrimination and violence.

How to Secure the Gains Afghan Women Have Made

November 8, 2013

How to Secure the Gains Afghan Women Have Made

The women of Afghanistan today aren’t the same women of 2001. They’ve expanded their access to health care, education, justice, and political power.

The women of Afghanistan today aren’t the same women of 2001. They’ve expanded their access to health care, education, justice, and political power.

Political violence against women

October 28, 2013

Political violence against women

Even though women have advanced in terms of the quality and quantity of their political participation in almost every country in the world, some of them are still experiencing gender based harassment and violence in politics.

Even though women have advanced in terms of the quality and quantity of their political participation in almost every country in the world, some of them are still experiencing gender based harassment and violence in politics.