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Women pushed even further from power in Xi Jinping’s China

November 14, 2022

Women pushed even further from power in Xi Jinping’s China

Xi has revealed an all male politburo for the first time since 1997. The move erases one of the few steps women had made towards real power in Communist China

Xi has revealed an all male politburo for the first time since 1997. The move erases one of the few steps women had made towards real power in Communist China

Germany’s parliament is more female than it was

November 8, 2022

Germany’s parliament is more female than it was

Apolitical man is disgusting, but a political woman is appalling…In history there are no more cruel phenomena than political women,” wrote Richard Wagner to Franz Liszt, his fellow composer, about Ortrud, the sorceress in his opera “Lohen

Apolitical man is disgusting, but a political woman is appalling…In history there are no more cruel phenomena than political women,” wrote Richard Wagner to Franz Liszt, his fellow composer, about Ortrud, the sorceress in his opera “Lohen

African women in politics: Influence or just numbers?

November 8, 2022

African women in politics: Influence or just numbers?

The world we live in is marked by a profoundly unequal distribution of the burden of adversity between men and women. From Japan to Africa, to the United States of America, gender disparity exists in almost every country.

The world we live in is marked by a profoundly unequal distribution of the burden of adversity between men and women. From Japan to Africa, to the United States of America, gender disparity exists in almost every country.

Malaysia still far behind in women's political participation

November 7, 2022

Malaysia still far behind in women's political participation

MALAYSIA is viewed as progressive where gender equality and advancing women's rights are concerned.

MALAYSIA is viewed as progressive where gender equality and advancing women's rights are concerned.

“Where is Nancy?”: How threats against women in power are tied to threats against democracy

November 7, 2022

“Where is Nancy?”: How threats against women in power are tied to threats against democracy

The attack on Paul Pelosi in his home by an assailant who reportedly was looking for the House speaker highlights the danger of the outrage and vitriol that often particularly targets women in positions of power. 

The attack on Paul Pelosi in his home by an assailant who reportedly was looking for the House speaker highlights the danger of the outrage and vitriol that often particularly targets women in positions of power. 

Widening the lens: Reimagining leadership among young women of color

November 3, 2022

Widening the lens: Reimagining leadership among young women of color

There are many ways to step into political leadership in America, and how you go about it is often informed by your background, identity, and experiences.

There are many ways to step into political leadership in America, and how you go about it is often informed by your background, identity, and experiences.

How gender quotas broaden the political agenda

October 27, 2022

How gender quotas broaden the political agenda

In 2013, a Christian democratic politician from Belgium and I sat down in her office in the Senate, the upper house of the federal parliament in Brussels. The senator recalled a long battle within her party to get more women candidates on party lists.

In 2013, a Christian democratic politician from Belgium and I sat down in her office in the Senate, the upper house of the federal parliament in Brussels. The senator recalled a long battle within her party to get more women candidates on party lists.

US midterm elections: Why Bolivia's lawmakers are 50% women

October 26, 2022

US midterm elections: Why Bolivia's lawmakers are 50% women

Despite historic gains in the past two congressional elections in the US, women hold just 27% of the seats. As Americans prepare to reshape Congress in the midterms, could Bolivia inspire change?

Despite historic gains in the past two congressional elections in the US, women hold just 27% of the seats. As Americans prepare to reshape Congress in the midterms, could Bolivia inspire change?

Only 5% of Nigeria’s lawmakers are women. It’s about to get worse

October 24, 2022

Only 5% of Nigeria’s lawmakers are women. It’s about to get worse

Nigeria’s two dominant parties, ACP and PDP, have less than 6 per cent of their parliamentary candidates as women.

Nigeria’s two dominant parties, ACP and PDP, have less than 6 per cent of their parliamentary candidates as women.