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Las afganas exiliadas luchan a través de la Red de Mujeres Parlamentarias y Líderes Afganas

September 5, 2022

Las afganas exiliadas luchan a través de la Red de Mujeres Parlamentarias y Líderes Afganas

Para las afganas exiliadas, huir de los talibanes no significa capitular, sino resistir, y bajo este pretexto se dedican a ayudar constantemente con la reciente fundación de la Red de Mujeres Parlamentarias y Líderes Afganas (AWPLN por sus siglas

Para las afganas exiliadas, huir de los talibanes no significa capitular, sino resistir, y bajo este pretexto se dedican a ayudar constantemente con la reciente fundación de la Red de Mujeres Parlamentarias y Líderes Afganas (AWPLN por sus siglas

"The Taliban don’t know how to govern": The Afghan women shaping global policy from exile

September 1, 2022

"The Taliban don’t know how to govern": The Afghan women shaping global policy from exile

Despite the upheaval of the Taliban takeover, the ‘group of six’ are finding ways to tackle the political and humanitarian crisis.

Despite the upheaval of the Taliban takeover, the ‘group of six’ are finding ways to tackle the political and humanitarian crisis.

The double standards & unfair treatment meted out to female politicians

August 31, 2022

The double standards & unfair treatment meted out to female politicians

The bitter truth is that gender injustice in politics is largely overlooked and has been normalised to the point where a woman preparing to start a career in politics should expect misogyny and sexism as by-products.

The bitter truth is that gender injustice in politics is largely overlooked and has been normalised to the point where a woman preparing to start a career in politics should expect misogyny and sexism as by-products.

Why are the personal lives of women in politics subject to such intense scrutiny?

August 30, 2022

Why are the personal lives of women in politics subject to such intense scrutiny?

Kenya: The new dawn of women in politics

August 30, 2022

Kenya: The new dawn of women in politics

The Kenyan 2022 General Elections represents a great step forward for women’s representation, albeit an incremental one.

The Kenyan 2022 General Elections represents a great step forward for women’s representation, albeit an incremental one.

Are women in politics held to an unfair standard?

August 29, 2022

Are women in politics held to an unfair standard?

SALT LAKE CITY — Women on the internet are posting videos of themselves dancing, singing and partying as a political statement.

SALT LAKE CITY — Women on the internet are posting videos of themselves dancing, singing and partying as a political statement.

Women – just two – back in PNG’s Parliament but more needs doing

August 26, 2022

Women – just two – back in PNG’s Parliament but more needs doing

The results of the 2022 Papua New Guinea elections confirm that women will once again sit in PNG’s Parliament — after a hiatus of five years.

The results of the 2022 Papua New Guinea elections confirm that women will once again sit in PNG’s Parliament — after a hiatus of five years.

In West Africa, a staggering low number of women in politics is brightened by one exception

August 25, 2022

In West Africa, a staggering low number of women in politics is brightened by one exception

LAGOS — A mere 17 women were appointed or elected to parliaments, ministerial or electoral offices in the West Africa/Sahel region out of 134 available positions from December 2021 to June 2022.

LAGOS — A mere 17 women were appointed or elected to parliaments, ministerial or electoral offices in the West Africa/Sahel region out of 134 available positions from December 2021 to June 2022.