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It takes more than a diverse cabinet to advance a feminist foreign policy

February 2, 2021

It takes more than a diverse cabinet to advance a feminist foreign policy

The Biden administration must move beyond superficial inclusion and actively promote gender equality globally while seeking to reverse the harm done in the name of forever wars.

The Biden administration must move beyond superficial inclusion and actively promote gender equality globally while seeking to reverse the harm done in the name of forever wars.

Why we need more women mediators

January 19, 2021

Why we need more women mediators

It was a balmy day in November 2020 as I was sitting on a crowded train, my mouth full of bread and hot steamy chai as I struggled to take a sip. I took a glance at the people who picked me up and would bring me to meet the commander.

It was a balmy day in November 2020 as I was sitting on a crowded train, my mouth full of bread and hot steamy chai as I struggled to take a sip. I took a glance at the people who picked me up and would bring me to meet the commander.

10 years on from the Arab Spring, I’m remembering the women who gave their lives for change

January 15, 2021

10 years on from the Arab Spring, I’m remembering the women who gave their lives for change

By Hibbaq Osman, Founder of Karama, a network of women's rights organisations

By Hibbaq Osman, Founder of Karama, a network of women's rights organisations

Gendered violence and the attack on the U.S. Capitol

January 14, 2021

Gendered violence and the attack on the U.S. Capitol

The vandalism and thefts targeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week sought to assail her position as one of the most powerful women in American politics.

The vandalism and thefts targeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week sought to assail her position as one of the most powerful women in American politics.

Balkan Blog: Women's political representation or real political power?

January 6, 2021

Balkan Blog: Women's political representation or real political power?

Central and Southeast Europe now accounts for a third of the tiny number of states worldwide that have gender-balanced cabinets — but higher female representation in politics doesn’t necessarily equate to women holding real power.

Central and Southeast Europe now accounts for a third of the tiny number of states worldwide that have gender-balanced cabinets — but higher female representation in politics doesn’t necessarily equate to women holding real power.