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Editorial / Opinion Piece / Blog Post

How women are getting squeezed by the pandemic

May 27, 2020

How women are getting squeezed by the pandemic

By Francesca Donner,

The coronavirus has worsened existing social and economic inequalities, especially for women.

By Francesca Donner,

The coronavirus has worsened existing social and economic inequalities, especially for women.

Jacinda Ardern's global renown is great, but she must do more for women

May 22, 2020

Jacinda Ardern's global renown is great, but she must do more for women

The gendered dimensions of political leadership during the Covid-19 crisis has achieved global proportions, with headlines claiming that women are doing things differently, and with better results.

The gendered dimensions of political leadership during the Covid-19 crisis has achieved global proportions, with headlines claiming that women are doing things differently, and with better results.

Can COVID-19 close ASEAN’s gender gap?

May 21, 2020

Can COVID-19 close ASEAN’s gender gap?

While the COVID-19 crisis has upended our way of living and working, its chaos has brought with it some clarity.

While the COVID-19 crisis has upended our way of living and working, its chaos has brought with it some clarity.