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Editorial / Opinion Piece / Blog Post

Ireland: Women will do politics differently

April 3, 2020

Ireland: Women will do politics differently

By Andrée Murphy,

When Michelle O’Neill paused in her answers to the Stormont chamber this week, she reflected heartfelt concerns in these days of uncertainty.

By Andrée Murphy,

When Michelle O’Neill paused in her answers to the Stormont chamber this week, she reflected heartfelt concerns in these days of uncertainty.

How a millennial prime minister is leading Finland through crisis

April 2, 2020

How a millennial prime minister is leading Finland through crisis

Whem I travel to Helsinki in late January to meet Sanna Marin, the millennial feminist environmentalist who had just become prime minister, the world looked so different than it does today.

Whem I travel to Helsinki in late January to meet Sanna Marin, the millennial feminist environmentalist who had just become prime minister, the world looked so different than it does today.

Australia: Covid-19 responses, why feminist leadership matters in a crisis

April 2, 2020

Australia: Covid-19 responses, why feminist leadership matters in a crisis

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, and, as seen by the actions of the White

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, and, as seen by the actions of the White

COVID-19: What does it mean for gender?

March 30, 2020

COVID-19: What does it mean for gender?

By the Secretariat of the International Gender Champions (IGC) and Martin Chungong, Chair of the IGC Global Board and Secretary General of the IPU.

By the Secretariat of the International Gender Champions (IGC) and Martin Chungong, Chair of the IGC Global Board and Secretary General of the IPU.