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Editorial / Opinion Piece / Blog Post

Women, power, & changing face of political representation in Latin America & the Caribbean

August 19, 2019

Women, power, & changing face of political representation in Latin America & the Caribbean

This election season, we’re examining the role gender plays in news coverage. Here’s why

August 16, 2019

This election season, we’re examining the role gender plays in news coverage. Here’s why

How to close the massive gender gap in Congress

August 16, 2019

How to close the massive gender gap in Congress

By Li Zhou,

Women’s lives improve when government is more inclusive. So let’s do this already.

By Li Zhou,

Women’s lives improve when government is more inclusive. So let’s do this already.

Women candidates are constantly asked about their electability. Here are 5 reasons that’s misguided.

August 16, 2019

Women candidates are constantly asked about their electability. Here are 5 reasons that’s misguided.

An August poll highlights a trend that’s emerged in the 2020 presidential cycle thus far: Voters favor 

An August poll highlights a trend that’s emerged in the 2020 presidential cycle thus far: Voters favor