Ted Cruz: Republican Women are the ‘Strongest Force’ in Politics
Thousands of Republican grassroots activists are gathering across Texas in Senate District (SD) and county conventions to continue the process that began in their local precincts on March 4th, of building the new 2014 Republican Party of Texas platform. Delegates from the various precinct conventions will gather in the various conventions and put forward resolutions of issues ranging from border security, to pro-life issues, to immigration reform, education, transportation, the 2nd Amendment and more. These issues will be voted on in each convention and
Thousands of Republican grassroots activists are gathering across Texas in Senate District (SD) and county conventions to continue the process that began in their local precincts on March 4th, of building the new 2014 Republican Party of Texas platform. Delegates from the various precinct conventions will gather in the various conventions and put forward resolutions of issues ranging from border security, to pro-life issues, to immigration reform, education, transportation, the 2nd Amendment and more. These issues will be voted on in each convention and