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women leaders

World News

Women Scarce in the Top Posts of Los Angeles, USA

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Women Scarce in the Top Posts of Los Angeles, USA


There are 1.9 million women in Los Angeles. The two senators from California are women, as is the state’s attorney general. ut this city, a bastion of progressive politics, has a curious distinction these days. Only one woman holds elective office in the entire government of Los Angeles, a member of the 15-person City Council from the San Fernando Valley who was sworn in only on Friday.

There are 1.9 million women in Los Angeles. The two senators from California are women, as is the state’s attorney general. ut this city, a bastion of progressive politics, has a curious distinction these days. Only one woman holds elective office in the entire government of Los Angeles, a member of the 15-person City Council from the San Fernando Valley who was sworn in only on Friday.

World News

Women Creating Change in Society and Politics in the Middle East

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Women Creating Change in Society and Politics in the Middle East


The women of the Middle East are offering a huge contribution to the ongoing fight to regain freedom and human rights, yet the mainstream media usually focuses only on negatives and violations.

In this series I will share facts, figures, and real life stories of historic women and of real, everyday women like you and me. Hopefully this will help us draw inspiration to change our world, one step at a time, each in their respective environment.

The women of the Middle East are offering a huge contribution to the ongoing fight to regain freedom and human rights, yet the mainstream media usually focuses only on negatives and violations.

In this series I will share facts, figures, and real life stories of historic women and of real, everyday women like you and me. Hopefully this will help us draw inspiration to change our world, one step at a time, each in their respective environment.

World News

New bill to emancipate South African women

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New bill to emancipate South African women


The adoption of a new bill, now before Cabinet, would help to fully emancipate South African women, said the Minister of Women, Children and People with Disabilities, Lulu Xingwana.

"Within the 100 years, a lot has been achieved to attain the total emancipation of South African women of all races," she said in a speech prepared for delivery at the launch of Women's Month in Freedom Park, Tshwane.

Xingwana paid tribute to women who fought for liberation, including Charlotte Maxeke, Albertina Sisulu and Winnie Madikizela-Mandela.

The adoption of a new bill, now before Cabinet, would help to fully emancipate South African women, said the Minister of Women, Children and People with Disabilities, Lulu Xingwana.

"Within the 100 years, a lot has been achieved to attain the total emancipation of South African women of all races," she said in a speech prepared for delivery at the launch of Women's Month in Freedom Park, Tshwane.

Xingwana paid tribute to women who fought for liberation, including Charlotte Maxeke, Albertina Sisulu and Winnie Madikizela-Mandela.

World News

Women’s Movement Building: Lessons From Transitions to Democracy

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Women’s Movement Building: Lessons From Transitions to Democracy


As the world continues to watch the wave of uprisings across Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) nations, AWID and other women’s rights organizations around the world, together with our partners in the region, strategize on how to best hold the line to ensure that women’s rights are not jeopardised, while maintaining meaningful spaces for women’s rights activists to actively participate in the transition processes.

As the world continues to watch the wave of uprisings across Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) nations, AWID and other women’s rights organizations around the world, together with our partners in the region, strategize on how to best hold the line to ensure that women’s rights are not jeopardised, while maintaining meaningful spaces for women’s rights activists to actively participate in the transition processes.

World News

Grace, Kenya’s first Iron Lady of politics

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Grace, Kenya’s first Iron Lady of politics


Grace Akech Onyango was the first African Iron Lady of Kenyan politics.

Born in Sakwa, Bondo and married in Gem to a teacher-journalist Onyango Baridi she became the first woman to be elected mayor of Kisumu Town in 1967 and MP in 1969.

She then capped it all by being elected first woman Secretary-General of Luo Union (East Africa)...

Grace Akech Onyango was the first African Iron Lady of Kenyan politics.

Born in Sakwa, Bondo and married in Gem to a teacher-journalist Onyango Baridi she became the first woman to be elected mayor of Kisumu Town in 1967 and MP in 1969.

She then capped it all by being elected first woman Secretary-General of Luo Union (East Africa)...

World News

Africa: Quotas Are Not Enough

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Africa: Quotas Are Not Enough


Women's political representation is vital to securing greater gender equality, feminists and others argue. Africa has made great strides in electing more women to its parliaments.

Four African countries are among the top ten countries with the highest numbers of women in parliament. But even in these countries, gender inequality persists. Many of Africa's women are still constrained by sexist laws and cultural beliefs that infringe their rights.

Women's political representation is vital to securing greater gender equality, feminists and others argue. Africa has made great strides in electing more women to its parliaments.

Four African countries are among the top ten countries with the highest numbers of women in parliament. But even in these countries, gender inequality persists. Many of Africa's women are still constrained by sexist laws and cultural beliefs that infringe their rights.

World News

Mali Candidates Condemn Partial Election Results, Call for Run-Off

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Mali Candidates Condemn Partial Election Results, Call for Run-Off


Malians are still waiting for the government to announce full provisional results from Sunday's presidential poll. The presidency says the announcement has been delayed until Friday, the day by law when the results are due.

However, several candidates have already denounced partial results released earlier this week as fraudulent. Authorities said those partial results indicate a likely first-round victory for former prime minister Ibrahim Boubacar Keita...

Malians are still waiting for the government to announce full provisional results from Sunday's presidential poll. The presidency says the announcement has been delayed until Friday, the day by law when the results are due.

However, several candidates have already denounced partial results released earlier this week as fraudulent. Authorities said those partial results indicate a likely first-round victory for former prime minister Ibrahim Boubacar Keita...

World News

Women in spotlight in New Jersey's state elections, USA

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Women in spotlight in New Jersey's state elections, USA


Women politicians are making history in New Jersey this year. Because of a quirk in the state’s politics, five women — two Republicans and three Democrats — are running for statewide office.

Women politicians are making history in New Jersey this year. Because of a quirk in the state’s politics, five women — two Republicans and three Democrats — are running for statewide office.

World News

Funny how gender never came up during Bernanke’s nomination. Or Greenspan’s. Or Volcker’s. USA

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Funny how gender never came up during Bernanke’s nomination. Or Greenspan’s. Or Volcker’s. USA


When I wrote my article on the subtle, sexist whispering campaign against Janet Yellen, my example of a rare not-so-subtle sexist comment came from Richard Fisher, president of the Dallas Federal Reserve. Asked about Yellen on CNBC, he worried that the pick would be “driven by gender,” even as he allowed that she was “extremely capable.”

We invite you to read the full article published July 31

When I wrote my article on the subtle, sexist whispering campaign against Janet Yellen, my example of a rare not-so-subtle sexist comment came from Richard Fisher, president of the Dallas Federal Reserve. Asked about Yellen on CNBC, he worried that the pick would be “driven by gender,” even as he allowed that she was “extremely capable.”

We invite you to read the full article published July 31