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women in politics

World News

Women politicians and the search for trust in politics, Canada

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Women politicians and the search for trust in politics, Canada


It may not have occurred to you, but 85 per cent of Canadians now have a woman as premier. Only five smaller provinces -- the three Maritimes plus Manitoba and Saskatchewan -- don't.

It may not have occurred to you, but 85 per cent of Canadians now have a woman as premier. Only five smaller provinces -- the three Maritimes plus Manitoba and Saskatchewan -- don't.

World News

African women are blazing a feminist trail – why don't we hear their voices?

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African women are blazing a feminist trail – why don't we hear their voices?


Rwanda's parliament is now almost two-thirds female, while Malawi, Liberia and Senegal have women at the helm. Western feminists, take note.

What would have once sounded like a far-fetched feminist fantasy – namely women forming the majority of a parliament – is a reality in one country in the world, Rwanda.

Early reports from the parliamentary elections last Monday indicate that women now hold nearly 64% of the seats. Prior to the genocidal conflict in 1994, the figure was just 18%.

Rwanda's parliament is now almost two-thirds female, while Malawi, Liberia and Senegal have women at the helm. Western feminists, take note.

What would have once sounded like a far-fetched feminist fantasy – namely women forming the majority of a parliament – is a reality in one country in the world, Rwanda.

Early reports from the parliamentary elections last Monday indicate that women now hold nearly 64% of the seats. Prior to the genocidal conflict in 1994, the figure was just 18%.

World News

Women in politics face the ugliest of juggles, Australia

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Women in politics face the ugliest of juggles, Australia


The latest round of national head-scratching about why there aren't more women in politics makes me want to poke out my own eyes with a rusty toasting fork.

The latest round of national head-scratching about why there aren't more women in politics makes me want to poke out my own eyes with a rusty toasting fork.

World News

Habitat for Humanity making history by bringing over 35 women politicians to build safe and decent homes for families, Canada

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Habitat for Humanity making history by bringing over 35 women politicians to build safe and decent homes for families, Canada


For the first time in Habitat Toronto history, over 35 female politicians, from all levels of government, will set aside their political differences and come together to help build six Habitat homes in support of the 2013 Women Build. Dubbed Women in Politics Build Day, this milestone event will provide City Councillors, MPs and MPPs the opportunity to cross party lines and swing hammers alongside each other to show their common support and belief that affordable homeownership helps break the cycle of poverty.

For the first time in Habitat Toronto history, over 35 female politicians, from all levels of government, will set aside their political differences and come together to help build six Habitat homes in support of the 2013 Women Build. Dubbed Women in Politics Build Day, this milestone event will provide City Councillors, MPs and MPPs the opportunity to cross party lines and swing hammers alongside each other to show their common support and belief that affordable homeownership helps break the cycle of poverty.

World News

Spate of Attacks on High-profile Afghan Women

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Spate of Attacks on High-profile Afghan Women


Analysts say a spate of attacks on high-profile Afghan women has heightened fears that the limited gains for women’s rights will be reversed after NATO forces withdraw next year.

Fariba Ahmadi Kakar, who represents the southern province of Kandahar in the Afghan parliament, was freed by Taleban kidnappers on September 8 in exchange for a number of insurgent prisoners and their relatives.

Analysts say a spate of attacks on high-profile Afghan women has heightened fears that the limited gains for women’s rights will be reversed after NATO forces withdraw next year.

Fariba Ahmadi Kakar, who represents the southern province of Kandahar in the Afghan parliament, was freed by Taleban kidnappers on September 8 in exchange for a number of insurgent prisoners and their relatives.

World News

Grant more women platform for political discourse, Ghana

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Grant more women platform for political discourse, Ghana


The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection is calling on media organizations to empanel more women for political discussions. This is part of a campaign for increased women’s participation in governance.

The Director at the Ministry, Patience Opoku, is highly disappointed at the low representation of women in decision making even though they form more than 50 per cent of the Ghanaian population.

The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection is calling on media organizations to empanel more women for political discussions. This is part of a campaign for increased women’s participation in governance.

The Director at the Ministry, Patience Opoku, is highly disappointed at the low representation of women in decision making even though they form more than 50 per cent of the Ghanaian population.

World News

As Election Nears in Afghanistan, Women’s Political Participation Is Critical

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As Election Nears in Afghanistan, Women’s Political Participation Is Critical


Last May, Afghanistan’s upper house of parliament quietly removed an electoral law that stipulated that a quarter of all provincial council seats should be allotted to women. When women politicians found out nearly a month later, they fought to have the bill recalled. In July, the lower house reinstated the law, but lowered the allotment to 20 percent.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 18 2013

Last May, Afghanistan’s upper house of parliament quietly removed an electoral law that stipulated that a quarter of all provincial council seats should be allotted to women. When women politicians found out nearly a month later, they fought to have the bill recalled. In July, the lower house reinstated the law, but lowered the allotment to 20 percent.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 18 2013

World News

Lib Dem all-women shortlist considered post-2015, United Kingdom

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Lib Dem all-women shortlist considered post-2015, United Kingdom


The Lib Dems could introduce positive discrimination to redress the party's gender and ethnic imbalance, one of its cabinet ministers has said.

Seven of the the Lib Dems' 57 MPs are women - numerically and proportionally the fewest of the three major Westminster parties. All of the party's MPs are white.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 19 2013

The Lib Dems could introduce positive discrimination to redress the party's gender and ethnic imbalance, one of its cabinet ministers has said.

Seven of the the Lib Dems' 57 MPs are women - numerically and proportionally the fewest of the three major Westminster parties. All of the party's MPs are white.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 19 2013

World News

Women still struggling to win big-city mayoral jobs, USA

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Women still struggling to win big-city mayoral jobs, USA


High-profile mayoral elections this year have already proved that the steps to City Hall remain steep for female candidates.

Only one of the nation's 10 largest cities is run by a woman: Annise Parker of Houston, who faces re-election in November. Just 12 of the 100 largest cities have women in the top job, including Fort Worth, Baltimore and Las Vegas.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 19 2013

High-profile mayoral elections this year have already proved that the steps to City Hall remain steep for female candidates.

Only one of the nation's 10 largest cities is run by a woman: Annise Parker of Houston, who faces re-election in November. Just 12 of the 100 largest cities have women in the top job, including Fort Worth, Baltimore and Las Vegas.

We invite our users to read the full article published September 19 2013