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Women's political participation

World News

Support to Egypt begins on fulfilling roadmap to democracy

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Support to Egypt begins on fulfilling roadmap to democracy


IPU has kick-started its priority support to Egypt in its efforts to establish democracy by providing advice and expertise on the drafting on a new electoral law. The law would have to be in place before parliamentary elections can take place, the last step in a series of planned political processes on Egypt’s roadmap to democracy.

IPU has kick-started its priority support to Egypt in its efforts to establish democracy by providing advice and expertise on the drafting on a new electoral law. The law would have to be in place before parliamentary elections can take place, the last step in a series of planned political processes on Egypt’s roadmap to democracy.

World News

Australia has gone backwards on women in politics

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Australia has gone backwards on women in politics


Chief Minister Katy Gallagher says Australia has gone backwards on female participation at the highest levels of politics and decried the perception that leadership is a man’s game.

Addressing the annual YWCA breakfast on Tuesday, Ms Gallagher said the lack of senior women in politics around the country was unsatisfactory and that a period in 2011 when Australia had four female leaders now felt “like an interruption to the normal programming”.

Chief Minister Katy Gallagher says Australia has gone backwards on female participation at the highest levels of politics and decried the perception that leadership is a man’s game.

Addressing the annual YWCA breakfast on Tuesday, Ms Gallagher said the lack of senior women in politics around the country was unsatisfactory and that a period in 2011 when Australia had four female leaders now felt “like an interruption to the normal programming”.

World News

CAR President Samba-Panza Inspires Congolese Women Politicians

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CAR President Samba-Panza Inspires Congolese Women Politicians


In Sub-Saharan Africa, where women hold just 23 percent of the seats in national parliaments and there are only three women heads of state, Catherine Samba-Panza, president of the Central African Republic (CAR), is an inspirational figure. Her position as the first female president of a Francophone country is a powerful symbol for African women, showing they can succeed even in countries where armed conflict, corruption and inequality have been the norm.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, where women hold just 23 percent of the seats in national parliaments and there are only three women heads of state, Catherine Samba-Panza, president of the Central African Republic (CAR), is an inspirational figure. Her position as the first female president of a Francophone country is a powerful symbol for African women, showing they can succeed even in countries where armed conflict, corruption and inequality have been the norm.

World News

State Betters 2009 Turnout, Women on Top , India

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State Betters 2009 Turnout, Women on Top , India


Women in Tamil Nadu not only outnumbered men on the voter list, they beat them in the race for getting the indelible mark on April 24. While 73.51 per cent of men (2,02,27,493) exercised their franchise for the Lok Sabha elections, the number of women who cast their votes stood at 73.86 per cent (2,03,27,045).

Of the total number of voters (5,50,42,876), except the Service Voters, 4,05,54,957 cast their votes in this election. With this, the final poll percentage stood at 73.68.

Women in Tamil Nadu not only outnumbered men on the voter list, they beat them in the race for getting the indelible mark on April 24. While 73.51 per cent of men (2,02,27,493) exercised their franchise for the Lok Sabha elections, the number of women who cast their votes stood at 73.86 per cent (2,03,27,045).

Of the total number of voters (5,50,42,876), except the Service Voters, 4,05,54,957 cast their votes in this election. With this, the final poll percentage stood at 73.68.

World News

Politics still a man’s game, India

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Politics still a man’s game, India


Women’s issues may be high on the agenda for political parties vying for votes in India’s mammoth general election, but few female lawmakers will get an opportunity to implement the policies being proposed.

Less than a fifth of the candidates standing for the front-running main opposition group, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), or the ruling Congress, are women, according to an analysis.

In the current parliament, women hold only 11% of seats in both houses, less than Pakistan at 21% and Afghanistan at 28%, research by the Inter-Parliamentary Union group shows.

Women’s issues may be high on the agenda for political parties vying for votes in India’s mammoth general election, but few female lawmakers will get an opportunity to implement the policies being proposed.

Less than a fifth of the candidates standing for the front-running main opposition group, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), or the ruling Congress, are women, according to an analysis.

In the current parliament, women hold only 11% of seats in both houses, less than Pakistan at 21% and Afghanistan at 28%, research by the Inter-Parliamentary Union group shows.

World News

She should run is the anthem of NWI pols, USA

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She should run is the anthem of NWI pols, USA


There is an Ethel, a Melanie, a Dana, a Jolie, a Melody, a Nancy, a Judith, and a Margaret who would prefer voters call her Peggy.

Women are all over Lake and Porter county ballots this spring.

Some 51 Democrats and 45 Republicans are competing with men and sometimes other women for the state legislature, county, township and municipal offices May 6.

They represent almost a third of all candidates for public elective offices. More than 25 of them are incumbent officials running for re-election.

There is an Ethel, a Melanie, a Dana, a Jolie, a Melody, a Nancy, a Judith, and a Margaret who would prefer voters call her Peggy.

Women are all over Lake and Porter county ballots this spring.

Some 51 Democrats and 45 Republicans are competing with men and sometimes other women for the state legislature, county, township and municipal offices May 6.

They represent almost a third of all candidates for public elective offices. More than 25 of them are incumbent officials running for re-election.

World News

Stage Set for the Great Electoral Women's Day, India

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Stage Set for the Great Electoral Women's Day, India


With 59 winners of the total 556 contestants, women candidates seem to have had a dream run in the 2009 Lok Sabha elections. May 16 will tell if their success story repeats this time too.

With 59 winners of the total 556 contestants, women candidates seem to have had a dream run in the 2009 Lok Sabha elections. May 16 will tell if their success story repeats this time too.

World News

Proponents of women in politics to brace up, Ghana

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Proponents of women in politics to brace up, Ghana


Group and individual proponents advocating for increased participation of women in governance, have been urged to brace up for another round of advocacy, as the local government elections, approaches later this year.

Ms. Esther Tawiah, Executive Director of Gender Centre for Empowering Development (GenCED) made the call on Tuesday in Ho during a validation workshop on the Local Governance Network’s Position Paper on the participation of civil society organisations (CSO) in local governance.

Group and individual proponents advocating for increased participation of women in governance, have been urged to brace up for another round of advocacy, as the local government elections, approaches later this year.

Ms. Esther Tawiah, Executive Director of Gender Centre for Empowering Development (GenCED) made the call on Tuesday in Ho during a validation workshop on the Local Governance Network’s Position Paper on the participation of civil society organisations (CSO) in local governance.

World News

Egyptian women campaign for larger role in parliament

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Egyptian women campaign for larger role in parliament


Egyptian women today still suffer from cultural, social and political discrimination with no indication from policymakers for progress. Though women attained the right to political participation in 1956, significant development has been minimal. The January 25 and June 30revolutions marked a significant change as women were at the forefront throughout.

Egyptian women today still suffer from cultural, social and political discrimination with no indication from policymakers for progress. Though women attained the right to political participation in 1956, significant development has been minimal. The January 25 and June 30revolutions marked a significant change as women were at the forefront throughout.