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Women's political participation

World News

Namibia: Reflection On Women and Politics - What Next? How Next?

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Namibia: Reflection On Women and Politics - What Next? How Next?


THE situation of women in Namibia cannot be understood without a thorough understanding of the historical, political, social and economic conditions of Namibia.

THE situation of women in Namibia cannot be understood without a thorough understanding of the historical, political, social and economic conditions of Namibia.

World News

Fianna Fáil ‘disappointed’ as it fails on female candidate targets

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Fianna Fáil ‘disappointed’ as it fails on female candidate targets


World News

Liberia: 'Gender Equality Bill Discriminatory'

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Liberia: 'Gender Equality Bill Discriminatory'


The passage of a draft law seeking to provide 30 percent women participation in all political parties was stalled recently by a motion for reconsideration made by Nimba County Senator Thomas Grupee.

Senator Grupee's motion for reconsideration angered several women leaders who have expressed disappointment in the senator's action.

Some of them told a local radio station that Senator Grupee is against women leadership.

The passage of a draft law seeking to provide 30 percent women participation in all political parties was stalled recently by a motion for reconsideration made by Nimba County Senator Thomas Grupee.

Senator Grupee's motion for reconsideration angered several women leaders who have expressed disappointment in the senator's action.

Some of them told a local radio station that Senator Grupee is against women leadership.

World News

When women succeed, the world succeeds

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When women succeed, the world succeeds


Human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights.”

So proclaimed Hillary Clinton, US First Lady at the United Nations World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, in 1995, in a landmark speech of her career.

Despite Clinton’s words echoing around the world for close on 20 years, one must ask: What has changed?

Human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights.”

So proclaimed Hillary Clinton, US First Lady at the United Nations World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, in 1995, in a landmark speech of her career.

Despite Clinton’s words echoing around the world for close on 20 years, one must ask: What has changed?

World News

Pacific countries still low for gender equality in politics

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Pacific countries still low for gender equality in politics


More work needs to be done post-elections in the Pacific to ensure Pacific countries do not remain at the bottom globally for gender equality in politics.


The Fiji Women's Forum says more work needs to be done in the Pacific to boost the participation of women in politics and ensure long-term gender parity.

The United Nations has released its Women in Politics Map 2014, which says Micronesia, Palau and Vanuatu are the lowest ranked, without a single woman parliamentarian.

More work needs to be done post-elections in the Pacific to ensure Pacific countries do not remain at the bottom globally for gender equality in politics.


The Fiji Women's Forum says more work needs to be done in the Pacific to boost the participation of women in politics and ensure long-term gender parity.

The United Nations has released its Women in Politics Map 2014, which says Micronesia, Palau and Vanuatu are the lowest ranked, without a single woman parliamentarian.

World News

Two Tunisians out of three support women's participation in politics

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Two Tunisians out of three support women's participation in politics


Two thirds of Tunisians support women's participation in political life, according to the results of a survey presented Saturday in Tunis.

"The support for women's participation in politics is however less pronounced in the case women are members of respondents' families," noted the survey, since only 52% of respondents encourage women from their family circle to be involved in politics.

Two thirds of Tunisians support women's participation in political life, according to the results of a survey presented Saturday in Tunis.

"The support for women's participation in politics is however less pronounced in the case women are members of respondents' families," noted the survey, since only 52% of respondents encourage women from their family circle to be involved in politics.

World News

Tunisia: Two Thirds of Tunisians Support Women's Participation in Politics (survey)

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Tunisia: Two Thirds of Tunisians Support Women's Participation in Politics (survey)


Two thirds of Tunisians support women's participation in political life, according to the results of a survey presented Saturday in Tunis. "The support for women's participation in politics is however less pronounced in the case women are members of respondents' families," noted the survey, since only 52% of respondents encourage women from their family circle to be involved in politics

We invite you to read the full article published March 15, 2014

Two thirds of Tunisians support women's participation in political life, according to the results of a survey presented Saturday in Tunis. "The support for women's participation in politics is however less pronounced in the case women are members of respondents' families," noted the survey, since only 52% of respondents encourage women from their family circle to be involved in politics

We invite you to read the full article published March 15, 2014

World News


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A quick look at the rights of women across Arab countries today. The article offers a snapshot of how women are fairing in different Arab countries.

We invite our users to read the complete article published March 8 2014

A quick look at the rights of women across Arab countries today. The article offers a snapshot of how women are fairing in different Arab countries.

We invite our users to read the complete article published March 8 2014