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Women's political participation

World News

Burma’s Government to Appoint a Second Woman Minister

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Burma’s Government to Appoint a Second Woman Minister


Burma’s president is set to appoint Khin San Yi, formerly a deputy minister of planning and economic development, as the new education minister, bringing the number of woman ministers in the government to two.

Burma’s president is set to appoint Khin San Yi, formerly a deputy minister of planning and economic development, as the new education minister, bringing the number of woman ministers in the government to two.

World News

NIGERIA: Why Media Coverage of Women in Politics Is Poor

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NIGERIA: Why Media Coverage of Women in Politics Is Poor


The media plays a crucial role in the political or electoral process. It's the ears and eyes of the public and help mould perceptions. 

People rely on it for information on making decisions on a range of issues such as choosing their political leaders, informing them about their activities, mandate of political campaigns and giving them effective coverage while in office.

The media plays a crucial role in the political or electoral process. It's the ears and eyes of the public and help mould perceptions. 

People rely on it for information on making decisions on a range of issues such as choosing their political leaders, informing them about their activities, mandate of political campaigns and giving them effective coverage while in office.

World News

Balance in the field to replace Therese Murray, USA

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Balance in the field to replace Therese Murray, USA


Today’s Cape Cod Times noted the imminent retirement of Senate President Therese Murray and listed two of the leading candidates for her seat, Plymouth state representative Vinnie deMacedo and former Falmouth state representative Matt Patrick.

deMacedo, a Republican, said that “I would like to think that the district wants balance, and I think this is an opportunity to bring some balance to the Senate.”

Today’s Cape Cod Times noted the imminent retirement of Senate President Therese Murray and listed two of the leading candidates for her seat, Plymouth state representative Vinnie deMacedo and former Falmouth state representative Matt Patrick.

deMacedo, a Republican, said that “I would like to think that the district wants balance, and I think this is an opportunity to bring some balance to the Senate.”

World News

Tanzania's Anna Margareth Abdallah: 'They say, "Don't vote for the woman, she wears lipstick"'

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Tanzania's Anna Margareth Abdallah: 'They say, "Don't vote for the woman, she wears lipstick"'


When Anna Margareth Abdallah entered the Tanzanian parliament in 1975, she was one of only five female MPs. Today, she is one of 126 – more than a third of the total – and the first woman to chair the standing committee on defence and security.

When Anna Margareth Abdallah entered the Tanzanian parliament in 1975, she was one of only five female MPs. Today, she is one of 126 – more than a third of the total – and the first woman to chair the standing committee on defence and security.

World News

Women on the Rise in African Politics

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Women on the Rise in African Politics


Africa now has three female heads of state, after Catherine Samba-Panza of the Central African Republic took office in January. Though women leaders remain the exception in African politics, activists say things are looking up.

Women are breaking into the "boys club" of the African presidency.

We invite you to read the full article published February 8, 2014

Africa now has three female heads of state, after Catherine Samba-Panza of the Central African Republic took office in January. Though women leaders remain the exception in African politics, activists say things are looking up.

Women are breaking into the "boys club" of the African presidency.

We invite you to read the full article published February 8, 2014

World News

Who would be a woman in politics?

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Who would be a woman in politics?


Pioneers may be picturesque figures, but they are often rather lonely ones. Or so said Nancy Astor, who certainly should have known: as the first female MP to take a seat in the House of Commons, Samantha Cameron's step great-grandmother surely expected to meet her share of resistance.

Pioneers may be picturesque figures, but they are often rather lonely ones. Or so said Nancy Astor, who certainly should have known: as the first female MP to take a seat in the House of Commons, Samantha Cameron's step great-grandmother surely expected to meet her share of resistance.

World News

Familiar Faces and Warlords Set To Dominate Afghan Election Campaign

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Familiar Faces and Warlords Set To Dominate Afghan Election Campaign


Twenty-seven presidential hopefuls have registered as candidates for Afghanistan's crucial April 5 vote, setting the stage for a wide-open race among former warlords, powerful officials, and several prominent Western-educated technocrats...

Twenty-seven presidential hopefuls have registered as candidates for Afghanistan's crucial April 5 vote, setting the stage for a wide-open race among former warlords, powerful officials, and several prominent Western-educated technocrats...

World News

Building a career in political technology

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Building a career in political technology


Women who work at the crossroads of politics and technology are working at two heavily male-dominated fields. Yet there are ways to build a career and thrive at work, and at home.

It’s deliberative, and it’s ongoing, but it’s worth it if you want to work at changing the world.

We invite you to read the full article published February 6, 2014

Women who work at the crossroads of politics and technology are working at two heavily male-dominated fields. Yet there are ways to build a career and thrive at work, and at home.

It’s deliberative, and it’s ongoing, but it’s worth it if you want to work at changing the world.

We invite you to read the full article published February 6, 2014

World News

Sandra Fluke forgoes congressional bid to run for state Senate

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Sandra Fluke forgoes congressional bid to run for state Senate


Democratic attorney and activist Sandra Fluke has decided against running for retiring Rep. Henry A. Waxman’s congressional seat, instead planning a bid for the state Senate.

Democratic attorney and activist Sandra Fluke has decided against running for retiring Rep. Henry A. Waxman’s congressional seat, instead planning a bid for the state Senate.