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Women's political participation

World News

Q&A: How to get more women in politics

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Q&A: How to get more women in politics


In November, Cambridge voters elected eight men and one woman to serve on the nine-member City Council. It’s the first time in decades that only one woman has served on the council, prompting many residents to wonder how a city known for its liberalism and diversity could have such a lopsided field of representatives. The Chronicle spoke with Emerge Massachusetts executive director Taylor Woods-Gauthier about why gender balance in politics is important and how to encourage more women to run.

In November, Cambridge voters elected eight men and one woman to serve on the nine-member City Council. It’s the first time in decades that only one woman has served on the council, prompting many residents to wonder how a city known for its liberalism and diversity could have such a lopsided field of representatives. The Chronicle spoke with Emerge Massachusetts executive director Taylor Woods-Gauthier about why gender balance in politics is important and how to encourage more women to run.

World News

Five Reasons Why 2013 Was Good for Women in Politics in the US

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Five Reasons Why 2013 Was Good for Women in Politics in the US


There's still a gender gap when it comes to positions of power. But 2013 was a notable year for women in politics, in the U.S. and elsewhere.

As editors at The Story Exchange, we welcome such progress. When there are more females holding office, it stands to reason we'll see more gains in women's health, education and economic empowerment. And of course, we're all about role models. If "Your Honor" is a woman, that sends a strong message -- especially to the younger generation -- that any ambitious dream is possible.

There's still a gender gap when it comes to positions of power. But 2013 was a notable year for women in politics, in the U.S. and elsewhere.

As editors at The Story Exchange, we welcome such progress. When there are more females holding office, it stands to reason we'll see more gains in women's health, education and economic empowerment. And of course, we're all about role models. If "Your Honor" is a woman, that sends a strong message -- especially to the younger generation -- that any ambitious dream is possible.

World News

Timeline: Gender Equality, 2013 Year in Review

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Timeline: Gender Equality, 2013 Year in Review


From the adoption of an historic agreement to end violence against women to a viral campaign exposing the scope of sexism online, this year's timeline captures select gender equality achievements that have grabbed international headlines and spurred action on the ground.
From the adoption of an historic agreement to end violence against women to a viral campaign exposing the scope of sexism online, this year's timeline captures select gender equality achievements that have grabbed international headlines and spurred action on the ground.

World News

Number of women in politics back in focus, Cambodia

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Number of women in politics back in focus, Cambodia


Finding out why women’s voices are not being listened to is imperative to increasing the proportion of female political representation in Cambodia, a meeting heard yesterday.

The Committee to Promote Women in Politics (CPWP) – which is made up of 12 organisations – hosted discussions in the capital that included discussion about the importance of having a legislative population that is at least 25 per cent female, one of Cambodia’s Millenium Goals.

Finding out why women’s voices are not being listened to is imperative to increasing the proportion of female political representation in Cambodia, a meeting heard yesterday.

The Committee to Promote Women in Politics (CPWP) – which is made up of 12 organisations – hosted discussions in the capital that included discussion about the importance of having a legislative population that is at least 25 per cent female, one of Cambodia’s Millenium Goals.

World News

2016 Dream ticket: Hillary and Michelle

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2016 Dream ticket: Hillary and Michelle


The 2016 National Elections are not that far away. It is timely and important that we not wait until then to begin having constructive discussions about who should be given the opportunity and responsibility to succeed President Barack Obama. The questions of the future of politics, economics and equal justice should never be avoided. Especially, given all the voter suppression enactments in many states over the last two years, we should be more vigilant about being politically conscious and civically active.

The 2016 National Elections are not that far away. It is timely and important that we not wait until then to begin having constructive discussions about who should be given the opportunity and responsibility to succeed President Barack Obama. The questions of the future of politics, economics and equal justice should never be avoided. Especially, given all the voter suppression enactments in many states over the last two years, we should be more vigilant about being politically conscious and civically active.

World News

Baluchi Sunni woman elected mayor is first for Iran

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Baluchi Sunni woman elected mayor is first for Iran


Samiyeh Balochzehi, 26, who was elected mayor by the Kalat city council, is an engineer and has a master’s degree in natural resources management from the Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch in Tehran. A local who spoke to Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity said that Balochzehi is a widow, that her sister is on the city council and that she comes from a wealthy and influential family.


Samiyeh Balochzehi, 26, who was elected mayor by the Kalat city council, is an engineer and has a master’s degree in natural resources management from the Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch in Tehran. A local who spoke to Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity said that Balochzehi is a widow, that her sister is on the city council and that she comes from a wealthy and influential family.


World News

Where is women’s place in local government?, Turkey

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Where is women’s place in local government?, Turkey


Dec. 5 was the 79th anniversary of the day Turkish women were granted the right to vote and to be elected. 

The confusion in the domestic and external agenda caused this gain to be celebrated less than it deserved. 

Dec. 5 was the 79th anniversary of the day Turkish women were granted the right to vote and to be elected. 

The confusion in the domestic and external agenda caused this gain to be celebrated less than it deserved. 

World News

Sierra Leone: Kailahun Women Councilors Climax '16 Days of Activism' - Adopt Gender Model Family

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Sierra Leone: Kailahun Women Councilors Climax '16 Days of Activism' - Adopt Gender Model Family


Twelve women councilors in the Kailahun District, east of Sierra Leone, have climaxed the 2013 commemoration of '16 Days of Activism' with the official adoption of the 'Gender Model Family' as an antidote to poverty reduction, improved social relations and reduction in gender-based violence. The 16 Days of Activism is a global event aimed at reducing gender-based violence and the flagrant abuse of the rights of women.


Twelve women councilors in the Kailahun District, east of Sierra Leone, have climaxed the 2013 commemoration of '16 Days of Activism' with the official adoption of the 'Gender Model Family' as an antidote to poverty reduction, improved social relations and reduction in gender-based violence. The 16 Days of Activism is a global event aimed at reducing gender-based violence and the flagrant abuse of the rights of women.


World News

Mansour calls on women to participate in referendum in Egypt

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Mansour calls on women to participate in referendum in Egypt


Interim President Adly Manosur called upon Egyptian women to participate in the referendum on the draft constitution set to take place on 14 and 15 January 2014.

In a conference organized by the National Council for women, Mansour’s speech which was delivered by his advisor on women’s affairs, Sakina Fouad, stressed the importance of women’s role in “stopping the bloodshed”.

Interim President Adly Manosur called upon Egyptian women to participate in the referendum on the draft constitution set to take place on 14 and 15 January 2014.

In a conference organized by the National Council for women, Mansour’s speech which was delivered by his advisor on women’s affairs, Sakina Fouad, stressed the importance of women’s role in “stopping the bloodshed”.