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Women's political participation

World News

Women prepare for historic elections in Afghanistan

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Women prepare for historic elections in Afghanistan


In the last presidential elections, women voters and MPs faced persecution, death threats and violence. With 2014’s elections drawing near, NATO Channel speaks to female MPs who discuss the real issues facing female voters.

Women’s rights have come a long way in the last 12 years in Afghanistan yet the struggle for emancipation is still in its infancy.

We invite you to read the full article published December 13, 2013

In the last presidential elections, women voters and MPs faced persecution, death threats and violence. With 2014’s elections drawing near, NATO Channel speaks to female MPs who discuss the real issues facing female voters.

Women’s rights have come a long way in the last 12 years in Afghanistan yet the struggle for emancipation is still in its infancy.

We invite you to read the full article published December 13, 2013

World News

Meet The Next Ruth Bader Ginsburg — Senate Confirms Top Women’s Rights Attorney To Federal Bench

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Meet The Next Ruth Bader Ginsburg — Senate Confirms Top Women’s Rights Attorney To Federal Bench


With her confirmation to the second highest court in the nation very early Thursday morning, Judge Nina Pillard should immediately rocket to the top of the Democratic shortlist of potential nominees to the Supreme Court. Though there are a number of Democratic judges who possess the youth, brilliance and legal credentials required from a new Supreme Court justice, Pillard brings something to the bench that is quite rare among judges — she’s won two of the most important civil rights victories to reach the Supreme Court during her career.

With her confirmation to the second highest court in the nation very early Thursday morning, Judge Nina Pillard should immediately rocket to the top of the Democratic shortlist of potential nominees to the Supreme Court. Though there are a number of Democratic judges who possess the youth, brilliance and legal credentials required from a new Supreme Court justice, Pillard brings something to the bench that is quite rare among judges — she’s won two of the most important civil rights victories to reach the Supreme Court during her career.

World News

Would higher salaries lure more women into politics in the UK?

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Would higher salaries lure more women into politics in the UK?


What would it take to boost the number of women happy to put themselves forward to become MPs? Emma Sinclair, an entrepreneur, believes the controversial salary hike could hel.

At present 147 of the 650 elected MPs are women. Anything that encourages more smart, intelligent women into politics should be applauded. Anything that helps engage more women to contemplate politics as an accessible career and anything that might lure a superwoman to try her hand at becoming a Member of Parliament should be celebrated.

What would it take to boost the number of women happy to put themselves forward to become MPs? Emma Sinclair, an entrepreneur, believes the controversial salary hike could hel.

At present 147 of the 650 elected MPs are women. Anything that encourages more smart, intelligent women into politics should be applauded. Anything that helps engage more women to contemplate politics as an accessible career and anything that might lure a superwoman to try her hand at becoming a Member of Parliament should be celebrated.

World News

In Paraguay, a visual tribute to the CEDAW Committee

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In Paraguay, a visual tribute to the CEDAW Committee


Todas las Mujeres has shown me once again the importance of exercising my powers of observation. To observe is to observe ourselves. In seeing those women, I saw myself. Making Todas las Mujeres for me meant reconnecting with my world. It was a reconnection with the world,” says Paz Encina, the Director responsible for making the documentary Todas las Mujeres: Un homenaje al Comité de la CEDAW [All Women: a Tribute to the CEDAW Committee].
Todas las Mujeres has shown me once again the importance of exercising my powers of observation. To observe is to observe ourselves. In seeing those women, I saw myself. Making Todas las Mujeres for me meant reconnecting with my world. It was a reconnection with the world,” says Paz Encina, the Director responsible for making the documentary Todas las Mujeres: Un homenaje al Comité de la CEDAW [All Women: a Tribute to the CEDAW Committee].

World News

Fewer women still serve in public office, USA

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Fewer women still serve in public office, USA


On the third floor of Apex Town Hall, inside council chambers, visitors got to see a rare sight.

Two women, Nicole Dozier and Denise Wilkie, were sworn into office. They are the first women to serve on the Apex Town Council in 12 years.

As female elected officials, they are a rarity not only in Wake County but on a state and national level.

We invite you to read the full article published December 8, 2013

On the third floor of Apex Town Hall, inside council chambers, visitors got to see a rare sight.

Two women, Nicole Dozier and Denise Wilkie, were sworn into office. They are the first women to serve on the Apex Town Council in 12 years.

As female elected officials, they are a rarity not only in Wake County but on a state and national level.

We invite you to read the full article published December 8, 2013

World News

Sexist MPs aren't macho. They're pathetic dweebs

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Sexist MPs aren't macho. They're pathetic dweebs


The MPs making obscene gestures at Sarah Champion and other women in the Commons are the backbench nonentities.

The MPs making obscene gestures at Sarah Champion and other women in the Commons are the backbench nonentities.

World News

They Said Men Would Be Suckling My Breasts for Five Years - Kenyan MP Speaks About 2013 Elections

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They Said Men Would Be Suckling My Breasts for Five Years - Kenyan MP Speaks About 2013 Elections


Kenyan member of parliament Alice Wahome spoke about the violent abuse, harassment and humiliation she has experienced as a female politician at the launch of a report about women's participation in the March 2013 elections.

Female candidates in Kenya face many barriers, including violent attacks, cultural and social stereotypes, lack of money and lack of political connections.

Wahome is one of 16 women who were elected as a constituency MP in 2013, compared to 274 men.

Kenyan member of parliament Alice Wahome spoke about the violent abuse, harassment and humiliation she has experienced as a female politician at the launch of a report about women's participation in the March 2013 elections.

Female candidates in Kenya face many barriers, including violent attacks, cultural and social stereotypes, lack of money and lack of political connections.

Wahome is one of 16 women who were elected as a constituency MP in 2013, compared to 274 men.

World News

Women were beaten in the queues - Kenyan politician speaks about 2013 elections

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Women were beaten in the queues - Kenyan politician speaks about 2013 elections


In March 2013, Sophia Abdi Noor was the only woman to stand for parliament in northern Kenya, a marginalised region where Islam has a lot of sway.

She spoke about the obstacles she has faced as a female politician at the launch of a report about women’s participation in the March 2013 elections. Female candidates in Kenya face many barriers, including violence, cultural and social stereotypes, lack of money and lack of political connections.

In March 2013, Sophia Abdi Noor was the only woman to stand for parliament in northern Kenya, a marginalised region where Islam has a lot of sway.

She spoke about the obstacles she has faced as a female politician at the launch of a report about women’s participation in the March 2013 elections. Female candidates in Kenya face many barriers, including violence, cultural and social stereotypes, lack of money and lack of political connections.

World News

Baluchi Sunni woman elected mayor is first for Iran

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Baluchi Sunni woman elected mayor is first for Iran


The election of the first Baluchi woman last week as the mayor of Kalat, a city in the south of Iran, was an unprecedented event in one of the most underprivileged and conservative provinces in Iran. It is a significant step which local experts believe that can inspire Baluchi women to work for more rights and break boundaries that have been created by both the state and society.

The election of the first Baluchi woman last week as the mayor of Kalat, a city in the south of Iran, was an unprecedented event in one of the most underprivileged and conservative provinces in Iran. It is a significant step which local experts believe that can inspire Baluchi women to work for more rights and break boundaries that have been created by both the state and society.