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Women's political participation

World News

Men Got Us Into The Shutdown, Women Got Us Out , USA

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Men Got Us Into The Shutdown, Women Got Us Out , USA


Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) said on Wednesday afternoon that their female colleagues can take most of the credit for driving the compromise that is expected to temporarily reopen the U.S. government and raise the debt ceiling before Thursday's deadline.

"Leadership, I must fully admit, was provided primarily from women in the Senate," McCain said after the bipartisan deal was announced.

Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) said on Wednesday afternoon that their female colleagues can take most of the credit for driving the compromise that is expected to temporarily reopen the U.S. government and raise the debt ceiling before Thursday's deadline.

"Leadership, I must fully admit, was provided primarily from women in the Senate," McCain said after the bipartisan deal was announced.

World News

UN Women Executive Director meets with President of Dominican Republic to advance women’s empowerment and gender equality

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UN Women Executive Director meets with President of Dominican Republic to advance women’s empowerment and gender equality


During her visit to the Dominican Republic, UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka met with President Danilo Medina to discuss national efforts to empower women. They further discussed the presence of UN Women in the country, where the organization maintains a Training Centre. 

Among the topics touched upon were the need to prevent and address teenage pregnancies as well as violence against women and girls, a human rights violation of pandemic proportions that affects as many as one in three women and girls worldwide.

During her visit to the Dominican Republic, UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka met with President Danilo Medina to discuss national efforts to empower women. They further discussed the presence of UN Women in the country, where the organization maintains a Training Centre. 

Among the topics touched upon were the need to prevent and address teenage pregnancies as well as violence against women and girls, a human rights violation of pandemic proportions that affects as many as one in three women and girls worldwide.

World News

A crusading Afghan woman

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A crusading Afghan woman


Filing a nomination to stand in next year’s Afghan presidential elections is, unless you happen to be one of the ‘chosen few’ backed by your personal ‘private army’, akin to signing your own death warrant. And when the person who files, a complete unknown in political circles, happens to be a woman, then she really is putting her life on the line.

Filing a nomination to stand in next year’s Afghan presidential elections is, unless you happen to be one of the ‘chosen few’ backed by your personal ‘private army’, akin to signing your own death warrant. And when the person who files, a complete unknown in political circles, happens to be a woman, then she really is putting her life on the line.

World News

Mitchell: ‘We need more women in politics’ USA

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Mitchell: ‘We need more women in politics’ USA


Beating breast cancer as a mom of young children made Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz reshape her priorities as a politician and leader of the Democratic Party, she told NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, also a breast cancer survivor, on Tuesday.

Beating breast cancer as a mom of young children made Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz reshape her priorities as a politician and leader of the Democratic Party, she told NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, also a breast cancer survivor, on Tuesday.

World News

Hon. Tangariki Reete is now 3rd female Cabinet Minister in Kiribati

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Hon. Tangariki Reete is now 3rd female Cabinet Minister in Kiribati


Three new Cabinet Ministers were sworn-into office Monday in Tarawa to replace the two ministers who resigned from office last week.

A statement from the Office of the President said the three ministers - Rimeta Beniamina, MP from Nikunau, Waysang Kum Kee, MP from Nonouti and Tangariki Reete, MP from Betio took their oath before Chief Justice Sir John Muria in the presence of President Anote Tong, Cabinet Ministers and Secretaries.

Three new Cabinet Ministers were sworn-into office Monday in Tarawa to replace the two ministers who resigned from office last week.

A statement from the Office of the President said the three ministers - Rimeta Beniamina, MP from Nikunau, Waysang Kum Kee, MP from Nonouti and Tangariki Reete, MP from Betio took their oath before Chief Justice Sir John Muria in the presence of President Anote Tong, Cabinet Ministers and Secretaries.

World News

How one state trained generations of women for political careers, USA

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How one state trained generations of women for political careers, USA


When it comes to helping women build careers in politics, some states do better than others. For more than two decades, women in Indiana have been getting their first taste of public service through the Lugar Series. What we have learned here in Indiana is that we can do so much to expand the ranks of women leaders in politics, especially on the Republican side of the aisle, through a combination of outreach and engagement.

When it comes to helping women build careers in politics, some states do better than others. For more than two decades, women in Indiana have been getting their first taste of public service through the Lugar Series. What we have learned here in Indiana is that we can do so much to expand the ranks of women leaders in politics, especially on the Republican side of the aisle, through a combination of outreach and engagement.

World News

The only woman in the room? USA

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The only woman in the room? USA


Why some say the GOP can't compete until it adds more female consultants to its ranks “If you look at the numbers, women are the majority of the population; we’re the majority of voters,” Thompson says. “We have a higher turnout ratio, and we’re the majority of consumers, the majority of television watchers. If you want to talk to the majority of voters, you have to craft a campaign that talks to women.”

Why some say the GOP can't compete until it adds more female consultants to its ranks “If you look at the numbers, women are the majority of the population; we’re the majority of voters,” Thompson says. “We have a higher turnout ratio, and we’re the majority of consumers, the majority of television watchers. If you want to talk to the majority of voters, you have to craft a campaign that talks to women.”

World News

UN Ranks Nigeria Low In Gender Inclusion

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UN Ranks Nigeria Low In Gender Inclusion


The Country Director of the United Nations Women, Dr Grace Ongile has challenged the Nigerian government to ensure gender mainstreaming at all levels.

Doctor Ongile at a meeting in Abuja pointed out that Nigeria has one of the worst cases of gender inequality, violence against women and illiteracy.

To reduce this trend, the United Nations representative called for more synergy between international organisations, government at all levels and members of civil society organisations.

The Country Director of the United Nations Women, Dr Grace Ongile has challenged the Nigerian government to ensure gender mainstreaming at all levels.

Doctor Ongile at a meeting in Abuja pointed out that Nigeria has one of the worst cases of gender inequality, violence against women and illiteracy.

To reduce this trend, the United Nations representative called for more synergy between international organisations, government at all levels and members of civil society organisations.

World News

Chilean presidential election is between “Michelle Bachelet and I” says Evelyn Matthei

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Chilean presidential election is between “Michelle Bachelet and I” says Evelyn Matthei


Chilean presidential candidate for the ruling party Evelyn Matthei was the target of her competitors’ criticism during a televised debate in which she brushed aside hopefuls’ aspirations arguing that it was obvious that the race was between her and Michelle Bachelet, who did not participate.

The debate caused a storm in Chilean politics, with Matthei crossing accusations with independent candidate Franco Parisi and Bachelet saying that “debates are for presenting serious proposals and not just any proposal.”

Chilean presidential candidate for the ruling party Evelyn Matthei was the target of her competitors’ criticism during a televised debate in which she brushed aside hopefuls’ aspirations arguing that it was obvious that the race was between her and Michelle Bachelet, who did not participate.

The debate caused a storm in Chilean politics, with Matthei crossing accusations with independent candidate Franco Parisi and Bachelet saying that “debates are for presenting serious proposals and not just any proposal.”