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women's role in society

World News

Sexist attitudes discourage women in politics, Canada

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Sexist attitudes discourage women in politics, Canada


With only three female aldermen on the last council and just one woman running for mayor, some people are wondering why more women aren’t interested in seeking public office. According to Druh Farrell, who has represented the people of Ward 7 for 12 years, part of the answer is in how women are treated in politics. We invite our users to read the complete article published October 11th 2013 here:…

With only three female aldermen on the last council and just one woman running for mayor, some people are wondering why more women aren’t interested in seeking public office. According to Druh Farrell, who has represented the people of Ward 7 for 12 years, part of the answer is in how women are treated in politics. We invite our users to read the complete article published October 11th 2013 here:…

World News

What keeps women from running for top elected offices?

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What keeps women from running for top elected offices?


With Janet Yellen slated to become the next chair of the Federal Reserve, the nation is abuzz with the implications of her historic nomination. But while Yellen is the 28th woman Obama has chosen for an executive role, the percentage of women entering top political positions is still disproportionate to the percentage of women in the country. This is abundantly clear during election season. Though 2012 saw a record number of women elected as public officials, few women make it to the ballot in the first place. Why?

With Janet Yellen slated to become the next chair of the Federal Reserve, the nation is abuzz with the implications of her historic nomination. But while Yellen is the 28th woman Obama has chosen for an executive role, the percentage of women entering top political positions is still disproportionate to the percentage of women in the country. This is abundantly clear during election season. Though 2012 saw a record number of women elected as public officials, few women make it to the ballot in the first place. Why?

World News

25 Other Senior Government Jobs Never Held by a Woman

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25 Other Senior Government Jobs Never Held by a Woman


President Obama's nomination of the qualified, prescient, and eminently deserving Janet Yellen as the chairman (chairwoman?) of the Federal Reserve yesterday will make her — if confirmed — the first woman in history to hold the position. It's far from the only D.C. office never to be occupied by a boss with two X chromosomes: Just seven women are currently serving among the Obama administration's 23 cabinet-level jobs, and only 45 women have held such spots in the history of the country.

President Obama's nomination of the qualified, prescient, and eminently deserving Janet Yellen as the chairman (chairwoman?) of the Federal Reserve yesterday will make her — if confirmed — the first woman in history to hold the position. It's far from the only D.C. office never to be occupied by a boss with two X chromosomes: Just seven women are currently serving among the Obama administration's 23 cabinet-level jobs, and only 45 women have held such spots in the history of the country.

World News

Priorities set for women’s development in Myanmar

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Priorities set for women’s development in Myanmar


Authorities have determined the areas of concentration for the National Strategic Plan for the Advancement of Women (NSPAW) and have assigned relevant duties to participating organizations, Aung Tun Khaing, Deputy Director General of the Department of Social Welfare within the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, told Mizzima.

Authorities have determined the areas of concentration for the National Strategic Plan for the Advancement of Women (NSPAW) and have assigned relevant duties to participating organizations, Aung Tun Khaing, Deputy Director General of the Department of Social Welfare within the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, told Mizzima.

World News

Women's inclusion in peace process critical for successful transition in Afghanistan

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Women's inclusion in peace process critical for successful transition in Afghanistan


UN Women Deputy Executive Director John Hendra speaks at an International Conference on Women, Peace and Security at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kabul, on 5 October 2013
"Afghanistan is at the latest of many critical junctures. A successful transition, and the creation of a sustainable peace, and real democracy for all Afghans - women and men, girls and boys, requires the full, ongoing and inclusive engagement of all actors, and in particular the women of Afghanistan. "

We invite our users to read the article published October 8th 2013

UN Women Deputy Executive Director John Hendra speaks at an International Conference on Women, Peace and Security at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kabul, on 5 October 2013
"Afghanistan is at the latest of many critical junctures. A successful transition, and the creation of a sustainable peace, and real democracy for all Afghans - women and men, girls and boys, requires the full, ongoing and inclusive engagement of all actors, and in particular the women of Afghanistan. "

We invite our users to read the article published October 8th 2013

World News

Bulgaria's Ex EU Commissioner Roots for More Women in Politics

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Bulgaria's Ex EU Commissioner Roots for More Women in Politics


More women must take leadership positions in Bulgarian politics, argued former Bulgarian EU Commissioner Meglena Kuneva.

In an interview for Darik Radio Saturday, Kuneva reiterated her calls for a thorough change of the very "model" of Bulgarian politics.

We invite you to read the fulll articlep published September 28, 2013

More women must take leadership positions in Bulgarian politics, argued former Bulgarian EU Commissioner Meglena Kuneva.

In an interview for Darik Radio Saturday, Kuneva reiterated her calls for a thorough change of the very "model" of Bulgarian politics.

We invite you to read the fulll articlep published September 28, 2013

World News

African women are blazing a feminist trail – why don't we hear their voices?

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African women are blazing a feminist trail – why don't we hear their voices?


Rwanda's parliament is now almost two-thirds female, while Malawi, Liberia and Senegal have women at the helm. Western feminists, take note.

What would have once sounded like a far-fetched feminist fantasy – namely women forming the majority of a parliament – is a reality in one country in the world, Rwanda.

Early reports from the parliamentary elections last Monday indicate that women now hold nearly 64% of the seats. Prior to the genocidal conflict in 1994, the figure was just 18%.

Rwanda's parliament is now almost two-thirds female, while Malawi, Liberia and Senegal have women at the helm. Western feminists, take note.

What would have once sounded like a far-fetched feminist fantasy – namely women forming the majority of a parliament – is a reality in one country in the world, Rwanda.

Early reports from the parliamentary elections last Monday indicate that women now hold nearly 64% of the seats. Prior to the genocidal conflict in 1994, the figure was just 18%.

World News

Women prevented from voting during NA-25 DI Khan by-elections, Pakistan

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Women prevented from voting during NA-25 DI Khan by-elections, Pakistan


Women voters were prevented from participating in the by-elections taking place in the Union Council Kari Shamuzi NA-25 earlier today, Express News reported.

The reason behind this is not yet known.

There are 308 polling stations where voting will take place till 5 pm.

There have been similar previous incidents in the past when women were prevented to vote. Not a single woman could cast her vote in NA-103 Hafizabad during the by-elections in August.

Women voters were prevented from participating in the by-elections taking place in the Union Council Kari Shamuzi NA-25 earlier today, Express News reported.

The reason behind this is not yet known.

There are 308 polling stations where voting will take place till 5 pm.

There have been similar previous incidents in the past when women were prevented to vote. Not a single woman could cast her vote in NA-103 Hafizabad during the by-elections in August.

World News

Hazel Brown hoping for more women councillors in Trinidad and Tobago

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Hazel Brown hoping for more women councillors in Trinidad and Tobago


Hazel Brown, co-ordinator of the Network of NGOs for the advancement of women, hopes after the October 21 local government elections that 50 per cent of councillors will be women as well as 50 per cent of aldermen elected under the newly-implemented proportional representation. Brown made the announcement yesterday at a news conference at the Professional Centre, Fitzblackman Drive, Port-of-Spain.

Hazel Brown, co-ordinator of the Network of NGOs for the advancement of women, hopes after the October 21 local government elections that 50 per cent of councillors will be women as well as 50 per cent of aldermen elected under the newly-implemented proportional representation. Brown made the announcement yesterday at a news conference at the Professional Centre, Fitzblackman Drive, Port-of-Spain.