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women's role in society

World News

Chile’s Women Candidates, Not Two of a Kind

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Chile’s Women Candidates, Not Two of a Kind


“There’s something sexist about saying that the candidates are two women. Has anyone ever remarked on it when the candidates are two men?” former Chilean president Michelle Bachelet complained about comparisons between herself and her main rival in the presidential elections, rightwing candidate Evelyn Matthei.

The Nov. 17 elections are the first electoral race in Latin America in which the two main presidential candidates are women.

“There’s something sexist about saying that the candidates are two women. Has anyone ever remarked on it when the candidates are two men?” former Chilean president Michelle Bachelet complained about comparisons between herself and her main rival in the presidential elections, rightwing candidate Evelyn Matthei.

The Nov. 17 elections are the first electoral race in Latin America in which the two main presidential candidates are women.

World News

More women gearing up for poll challenge, Bahrain

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More women gearing up for poll challenge, Bahrain


The study, A View of Bahraini Women's Political Stance, was made by Bahraini Nooh Khalifa, who is a renowned author and media expert. A total of 300 Bahraini women from different political backgrounds and age groups were surveyed. It was completed in around a year and revealed that a majority of voters have a positive opinion of women in power.


We invite our users to read the complete article published August 18 2013

The study, A View of Bahraini Women's Political Stance, was made by Bahraini Nooh Khalifa, who is a renowned author and media expert. A total of 300 Bahraini women from different political backgrounds and age groups were surveyed. It was completed in around a year and revealed that a majority of voters have a positive opinion of women in power.


We invite our users to read the complete article published August 18 2013

World News

Women use Twitter to raise issues, Saudi Arabia

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Women use Twitter to raise issues, Saudi Arabia


Thousands of Saudi women have been using social media, especially Twitter, to air their views and campaign for their rights, a senior Saudi journalist said, adding that their tweets were instrumental in mobilizing public and official support for their causes.
“Saudi women, especially university graduates, are using Twitter and other social media outlets to mobilize support for their rights. Many of them have been waiting for years to get employed. They have formed a group now on Twitter to make their voice heard by officials,” Khaled Aburas told Arab News.

Thousands of Saudi women have been using social media, especially Twitter, to air their views and campaign for their rights, a senior Saudi journalist said, adding that their tweets were instrumental in mobilizing public and official support for their causes.
“Saudi women, especially university graduates, are using Twitter and other social media outlets to mobilize support for their rights. Many of them have been waiting for years to get employed. They have formed a group now on Twitter to make their voice heard by officials,” Khaled Aburas told Arab News.

World News

David Cameron needs more women at the top of the coalition, says minister, UK

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David Cameron needs more women at the top of the coalition, says minister, UK


Lady Verma argues macho 'bang on tables' to be heard aspect of politics is unattractive, but warns PM against tokenism

Female politicians have to work hard to be "noticed and seen" in the "bang-on-tables" world of Westminster, one of David Cameron's ministers has said.

Lady Verma of Leicester, an energy minister, said the way women have to "raise our tempo" to be heard is an unattractive aspect of politics today.

Lady Verma argues macho 'bang on tables' to be heard aspect of politics is unattractive, but warns PM against tokenism

Female politicians have to work hard to be "noticed and seen" in the "bang-on-tables" world of Westminster, one of David Cameron's ministers has said.

Lady Verma of Leicester, an energy minister, said the way women have to "raise our tempo" to be heard is an unattractive aspect of politics today.

World News

Australian Women in Politics: Julie Bishop, Deputy Leader of the Federal Liberal Party

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Australian Women in Politics: Julie Bishop, Deputy Leader of the Federal Liberal Party


At 38, Julie Bishop had achieved what many young lawyers aspire to do. Having worked as a barrister and a commercial litigation solicitor, she was managing partner of a national law firm’s Perth office.

She was at the peak of her career, or so she thought, until a business trip to Burma led to an hour-long meeting with Burma’s then opposition leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, who was under house arrest.

At 38, Julie Bishop had achieved what many young lawyers aspire to do. Having worked as a barrister and a commercial litigation solicitor, she was managing partner of a national law firm’s Perth office.

She was at the peak of her career, or so she thought, until a business trip to Burma led to an hour-long meeting with Burma’s then opposition leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, who was under house arrest.

World News

Australia's Sarah Palin, and One Nation Candidate Aborts Election Bid Due to Pressure Over Viral Video

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Australia's Sarah Palin, and One Nation Candidate Aborts Election Bid Due to Pressure Over Viral Video


Stephanie Banister, dubbed as the "Sarah Palin of Australia", has dropped out of the election race on August 10 after committing several interview blunders and calling Islam a country. 

The 27-year-old One Nation candidate was campaigning for only two days when she gave an interview to Seven News Network. Her interview video went viral on the Internet and viewers tagged her as "Australia's Sarah Palin" who was also mocked for her interview mistakes when she contested for US vice-presidential position in 2008.  

Stephanie Banister, dubbed as the "Sarah Palin of Australia", has dropped out of the election race on August 10 after committing several interview blunders and calling Islam a country. 

The 27-year-old One Nation candidate was campaigning for only two days when she gave an interview to Seven News Network. Her interview video went viral on the Internet and viewers tagged her as "Australia's Sarah Palin" who was also mocked for her interview mistakes when she contested for US vice-presidential position in 2008.  

World News

African women enter public office, but wield little influence in policy making

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African women enter public office, but wield little influence in policy making


“If you want to be influential in the political arena, you need to influence policy,” Ms Betty Murungi, a social justice advocate, recently told female entrepreneurs and corporate managers in Nairobi.

“If you want to be influential in the political arena, you need to influence policy,” Ms Betty Murungi, a social justice advocate, recently told female entrepreneurs and corporate managers in Nairobi.

World News

Aung San Suu Kyi Visits NDI’s New Parliamentary Research Center in Burma

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Aung San Suu Kyi Visits NDI’s New Parliamentary Research Center in Burma


On August 6, National League for Democracy (NLD) leader Aung San Suu Kyi visited NDI's new Parliamentary Resource Center (PRC) in the capital city of Naypyitaw.

Although not yet officially open, the PRC is attracting the interest of MPs from many parties in the Hluttaw, or parliament.

We invite you to read the full article published August 7, 2013 by our partner, NDI

On August 6, National League for Democracy (NLD) leader Aung San Suu Kyi visited NDI's new Parliamentary Resource Center (PRC) in the capital city of Naypyitaw.

Although not yet officially open, the PRC is attracting the interest of MPs from many parties in the Hluttaw, or parliament.

We invite you to read the full article published August 7, 2013 by our partner, NDI

World News

Jenny Macklin will tackle Inter-Generational Unemployment if ALP is Re-elected, Australia

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Jenny Macklin will tackle Inter-Generational Unemployment if ALP is Re-elected, Australia


Can you name the politician with the most influence over the lives of women and their families in the past five years? Few would probably come up with Jenny Macklin, the low profile but highly prolific Minister for Families in the Federal Labor government since 2007.

Macklin’s portfolio is huge: in addition to Families, she is also the Minister for Community Services, Indigenous Affairs and Disability Reform, in one way or another touching the lives of just about every Australian.

Can you name the politician with the most influence over the lives of women and their families in the past five years? Few would probably come up with Jenny Macklin, the low profile but highly prolific Minister for Families in the Federal Labor government since 2007.

Macklin’s portfolio is huge: in addition to Families, she is also the Minister for Community Services, Indigenous Affairs and Disability Reform, in one way or another touching the lives of just about every Australian.