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women's role in society

World News

Indonesian Women Marginalized at the Polls Too

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Indonesian Women Marginalized at the Polls Too


“Men are from Mars and women are from Venus” may have been the title of a best-selling book, but it also emphasizes how women have always been depicted differently to men. It also happens in politics. Physical and psychological differences aside, women are indeed a special group in politics, women’s rights activists say.

We invite you to read the full article pulished March 28, 2014

“Men are from Mars and women are from Venus” may have been the title of a best-selling book, but it also emphasizes how women have always been depicted differently to men. It also happens in politics. Physical and psychological differences aside, women are indeed a special group in politics, women’s rights activists say.

We invite you to read the full article pulished March 28, 2014

World News

Parties Debate Role Of Hungarian Women In Politics, Life

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Parties Debate Role Of Hungarian Women In Politics, Life


Women make up just 9 per cent of Hungarian members of parliament. In this regard Hungary ranks 122nd out of 140 countries. Upcoming parliamentary elections have sparked public discussion of the role of women in politics, family life, and in the country as a whole.

We invite you to read the full article published March 27, 2014

Women make up just 9 per cent of Hungarian members of parliament. In this regard Hungary ranks 122nd out of 140 countries. Upcoming parliamentary elections have sparked public discussion of the role of women in politics, family life, and in the country as a whole.

We invite you to read the full article published March 27, 2014

World News

Bachelet sends bill to create new Women and Gender Equality Ministry

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Bachelet sends bill to create new Women and Gender Equality Ministry


President Michelle Bachelet expressed pride in realizing a “lifelong cause” Thursday when she sent a bill to establish a ministry that would champion the country’s women and contribute to diminishing the gender inequality that runs deep and wide across Chilean society.

Leading female figures from the public and private sector were in attendance at La Moneda as the president officially signed a proposal to create the Women and Gender Equality Ministry. The bill has all cabinet ministers’ signatures, and now faces the journey through Congress.

President Michelle Bachelet expressed pride in realizing a “lifelong cause” Thursday when she sent a bill to establish a ministry that would champion the country’s women and contribute to diminishing the gender inequality that runs deep and wide across Chilean society.

Leading female figures from the public and private sector were in attendance at La Moneda as the president officially signed a proposal to create the Women and Gender Equality Ministry. The bill has all cabinet ministers’ signatures, and now faces the journey through Congress.

World News

Redford’s tenure follows a familiar script for women in politics in Canada

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Redford’s tenure follows a familiar script for women in politics in Canada


Alison Redford’s unexpected resignation has reignited the debate on gender in politics. Some declare that gender had everything to do with it, while others argue as strongly that nothing could be further from the truth. We think that gender was not inconsequential to her experiences as leader, as her experiences follow a pattern we’ve witnessed amongst women party leaders at the federal and provincial levels in Canada. In a nutshell, the pattern is this: The expectations placed on women party leaders are greater, their mandates weaker and their tenures shorter.

Alison Redford’s unexpected resignation has reignited the debate on gender in politics. Some declare that gender had everything to do with it, while others argue as strongly that nothing could be further from the truth. We think that gender was not inconsequential to her experiences as leader, as her experiences follow a pattern we’ve witnessed amongst women party leaders at the federal and provincial levels in Canada. In a nutshell, the pattern is this: The expectations placed on women party leaders are greater, their mandates weaker and their tenures shorter.

World News

Women in parliament key for gender equality

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Women in parliament key for gender equality


The meaningful role women should play in parliament is to have an impact in changing the nature of politics and to create more honest government.

In a bid to achieve gender equality and promote womens rights in Indonesia, the country needs to put more women in parliament, which is responsible for legislating laws that are critical to changing the situation of women.

We invite you to read the full article published March 24, 2014

The meaningful role women should play in parliament is to have an impact in changing the nature of politics and to create more honest government.

In a bid to achieve gender equality and promote womens rights in Indonesia, the country needs to put more women in parliament, which is responsible for legislating laws that are critical to changing the situation of women.

We invite you to read the full article published March 24, 2014

World News

Ted Cruz: Republican Women are the ‘Strongest Force’ in Politics

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Ted Cruz: Republican Women are the ‘Strongest Force’ in Politics


Thousands of Republican grassroots activists are gathering across Texas in Senate District (SD) and county conventions to continue the process that began in their local precincts on March 4th, of building the new 2014 Republican Party of Texas platform.  Delegates from the various precinct conventions will gather in the various conventions and put forward resolutions of issues ranging from border security, to pro-life issues, to immigration reform, education, transportation, the 2nd Amendment and more.  These issues will be voted on in each convention and

Thousands of Republican grassroots activists are gathering across Texas in Senate District (SD) and county conventions to continue the process that began in their local precincts on March 4th, of building the new 2014 Republican Party of Texas platform.  Delegates from the various precinct conventions will gather in the various conventions and put forward resolutions of issues ranging from border security, to pro-life issues, to immigration reform, education, transportation, the 2nd Amendment and more.  These issues will be voted on in each convention and

World News

Namibia: Reflection On Women and Politics - What Next? How Next?

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Namibia: Reflection On Women and Politics - What Next? How Next?


THE situation of women in Namibia cannot be understood without a thorough understanding of the historical, political, social and economic conditions of Namibia.

THE situation of women in Namibia cannot be understood without a thorough understanding of the historical, political, social and economic conditions of Namibia.

World News

Fianna Fáil ‘disappointed’ as it fails on female candidate targets

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Fianna Fáil ‘disappointed’ as it fails on female candidate targets
