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Training on Gender Justice



Training on Gender Justice

Workshop Aim
To enable participants to direct the organisations and programmes they implement and manage towards sustainable gender justice, placing accountability to beneficiaries in programme design and delivery, and organisational approach. This intermediate workshop assumes learners will have an existing level of Gender theory and development practice. This is not an entry-level workshop
Despite their rhetoric, few development agencies actually achieve real improvements in gender power imbalances, and women therefore continue to bear the brunt of poverty and injustice. Until development initiatives effectively incorporate in-depth understanding of the ways in which gender differences affect poverty into their conceptualisation, planning and implementation, poverty is unlikely to end and human rights for all will not be fulfilled
Learning Objectives
By the end of the workshop, participants will:
Understand the history of how and why gender equality concerns have been introduced into development theory and practice, and rights-based work
Develop and articulate a meaningful understanding of the relevance of gender equality to development and rights-based programming
Understand how the content of the MDGs relate to gender equality
Understand what gender analysis consists of
Enhance the gender sensitivity of the programmes they are responsible for
Bring gender sensitivity into organisational strategic planning processes
Consider how internal practices of NGOs could do more to integrate gender equality concerns
Target Audience
This workshop is aimed at development practitioners, at both managerial and delivery levels, who already have a basic understanding of gender concepts, but who wish to refine the way they incorporate this understanding and their relevant knowledge into their programme management
To learn more about the training event, please visit BOND's Website.