Regional Dialogue on Advancing Transformative Gender Social Norms to Enhance Women and Youth Participation
The main purpose of the Regional Dialogue is to promote transformative gender norms by addressing the root causes of inequality and transforming the underlying social, legal, and economic structures that perpetuate gender inequalities/disparities. Furthermore, the Dialogue places emphasis on women’s capacities to exercise political agency (participation) and access political leadership and decision making at all levels (representation/representative voice). In addition, the Regional Dialogue reinforces knowledge exchange/experiential sharing and lessons on good practices that promote/advance transformative gender social norms.
The persistent barriers to women’s equal and effective participation in decision-making arise from the gender social norms which influence behaviours and expectations in both public and private spheres. Power imbalances between women and men remain at all levels and spheres of decision-making. As a result, across the world, men more often dominate in decision making and leadership processes and positions at all levels in comparison to women. Successive reviews of women's political participation show that despite women’s increased engagement in public life at all levels over the past 30 years, change is incremental, and overall remains low.[1]
The dialogue will take place on the 26 and 27 of November.
[1] See the Commission on the Status of Women 65th Session, Report of the Secretary General E/CN.6/2021/3; and CSW65 agreed conclusions (E/CN.6/2021/L.3)
Johannesburg, South Africa

Johannesburg, South Africa