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Submitted by Diane on

Forum of African and Spanish Women Parliamentarians

FORUM OF AFRICAN AND SPANISH WOMEN PARLIAMENTARIANS In fulfilment of Commitment Three in the Declaration from the Third Meeting of African and Spanish Women for a Better World in Niamey in May 2008 resolving “as part of the Fourth Meeting of Women for a Better World to constitute an Annual Forum of African and Spanish Parliamentarians to promote new regulations and legislation aimed at abolishing abusive practices which violate women’s rights”, the Government of Spain will hold the first meeting of African and Spanish women parliamentarians in Madrid on 5 and 6 November 2009. This meeting aims to form an active network of Hispano-African women parliamentarians to promote the empowerment and advancement of women in Africa, enhancing their active involvement in the development of all sectors of African societies (political, educational and economic, among others). The intention is to create a space during the meeting for dialogue, debate and proposals for a political agenda on gender equality. To attain that objective, the working days are structured around three key questions which will allow wide-ranging debate on the relevant focuses and strategies for action to permit forward movement in the construction of the political Agenda for gender equality on the continent. These questions for structuring the debate are as follows: - Women’s Political Agenda. - Legislation and Gender. - New economic challenges. Diane Sheinberg Policy Analyst / Parliamentary Development Democratic Governance Group / BDP / UNDP

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FORUM OF AFRICAN AND SPANISH WOMEN PARLIAMENTARIANS In fulfilment of Commitment Three in the Declaration from the Third Meeting of African and Spanish Women for a Better World in Niamey in May 2008 resolving “as part of the Fourth Meeting of Women for a Better World to constitute an Annual Forum of African and Spanish Parliamentarians to promote new regulations and legislation aimed at abolishing abusive practices which violate women’s rights”, the Government of Spain will hold the first meeting of African and Spanish women parliamentarians in Madrid on 5 and 6 November 2009. This meeting aims to form an active network of Hispano-African women parliamentarians to promote the empowerment and advancement of women in Africa, enhancing their active involvement in the development of all sectors of African societies (political, educational and economic, among others). The intention is to create a space during the meeting for dialogue, debate and proposals for a political agenda on gender equality. To attain that objective, the working days are structured around three key questions which will allow wide-ranging debate on the relevant focuses and strategies for action to permit forward movement in the construction of the political Agenda for gender equality on the continent. These questions for structuring the debate are as follows: - Women’s Political Agenda. - Legislation and Gender. - New economic challenges. Diane Sheinberg Policy Analyst / Parliamentary Development Democratic Governance Group / BDP / UNDP

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