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In view of the current situation in Tunisia, the seminar on "Women in Arab parliaments: Representation and incorporation of a gender perspective", scheduled from 24 to 26 January 2011, has been cancelled.



In view of the current situation in Tunisia, the seminar on "Women in Arab parliaments: Representation and incorporation of a gender perspective", scheduled from 24 to 26 January 2011, has been cancelled.

In view of the current situation in Tunisia, the seminar on "Women in Arab parliaments: Representation and incorporation of a gender perspective", scheduled from 24 to 26 January 2011, has been cancelled.

The Chamber of Councillors of Tunisia and the Inter-Parliamentary Union will be organizing, under the auspices of Her Excellency Ms. Leila Ben Ali, President of the Arab Women Organization, a regional seminar on “Women in Arab parliaments: Representation and mainstreaming a gender perspective”.

The seminar will take place from 24 to 26 January 2011 at the Tunisian Chamber of Councillors in Tunis.

It aims to discuss the role of parliaments, political parties and civil society organizations in strengthening women’s participation in Arab parliaments. The seminar will also examine how to mainstream a gender perspective in the parliaments of the region.

This event is being organized in cooperation with the Chamber of Deputies of Tunisia, the Arab Women Organization, the Hariri Foundation, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (AIPU), the Arab Transitional Parliament and the Union of the Arab Maghreb Advisory Council.

Provisional programme [PDF] English
Information [PDF]: English

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