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Regional Seminar for Asian Parliaments : Preventing and responding to violence against women and girls: From legislation to effective enforcement



Regional Seminar for Asian Parliaments : Preventing and responding to violence against women and girls: From legislation to effective enforcement

As part of its campaign Parliaments Take Action on Violence against Women, the IPU is organizing, with the Parliament of India, a seminar for Asian Parliaments on preventing and responding to violence against women and girls. This seminar aims to provide men and women parliamentarians of the region with the elements of a comprehensive and multisectoral response to violence against women and familiarize them with the components of legislation to effectively tackle this problem.

Special emphasis will be placed on prevention and parliamentary mechanisms to secure the effective enforcement of relevant legislation, including parliaments’ oversight and budgetary powers and their ability to monitor and facilitate the implementation of the law.

The seminar will take place in New Delhi from 15 to 17 September 2011. It will provide participants with an opportunity to:

Take stock of the situation regarding violence against women and girls in the region by highlighting the causes and consequences of this form of violence and the obstacles encountered in putting an end to it;

Gain understanding of the costs of VAW and gender implications of budgeting, both in theory and in practice;

Discuss the use of gender-responsive budgeting as an effective mechanism to support enforcement of anti-VAW legislation;

Examine different national monitoring mechanisms that can secure effective implementation of the anti-VAW legislation;

Discuss the opportunities and good practices in the prevention of violence against women;

Exchange of experiences between Parliaments of the region confronted with similar situations and challenges; and

Identify appropriate parliamentary action to ensure respect for the fundamental rights of women and girls and their right to a life free of violence.

Draft agenda

Information note